The AltarNational Garden

Rainy day... chillin in doors with the family... sublimator hits of the c99 so far... ALREADY gonna have to say this boveda shit rocks. After one night the stuff seemed improved. It's like that stale chlorophylly air when you go to burp a jar isn't there at all... just gets sucked into the pack I guess... so it smells as if it's already been aired out and allowed to re-acclimate...

Honestly it could be placebo, but it gives me a good feeling. The buds noticeably balanced out in humidity levels right away as well. I have heard 62 is a little damp for smoking, and probably a regular whip vape, but the sublimator hits are nice, a little moisture added is a good thing when you're getting the whole load in one hit.

Edit: OOPS, forgot to mention the reason I was posting, I just bit off a chunk of frozen coconut oil and let it melt under my tongue... rinsed down with hot chocolate. This is the stuff from a while back when I decarbed a bunch of Kolossus and added lecithin to the mix as well. Perhaps I'll report back later if I'm cognitive ;)
Good Lord what!

That dried C99 looked liked sugar, held together with
the barest of vegetable material.

"Beer cans on antlers in a small footprint!" == Great stuff Mo!

Good luck,

Here, I went back for pics of the other CJxGM, the one that's farther along. She's a fuckin' beauty. Here are a few of the top cola:




There are like 10 little satellite buds below each CJxGM... here's a shot of one from the front plant.. (the ones from the riper plant pictured above are woven into the screen.)



Thanks Mo :)

I am psyched about this CJxGM.. it was a freebie and I have a gooood feeling... the smell and appearance are out of this world... can't wait to try it. trying to be patient... would like to see a little swell in the calyxes on the back one... there are some ambers in there but they are all on the areas with the red in the leaves, the inner bud trichs are mostly cloudy. I want to see some swelling and some more calyxes turn... but it's super enticing... it's such a delicious natural smell and taste... very juicy fruit'ish with a lemon overtone. I'm gonna go look up what the parent strains are like flavor wise... and see what I can find for other peoples' results with CJxGM too...
Might just be the pheno. Ace of SPades and Scott's OG have some of the biggest calyxes I have ever seen. However they were just full of air! I was hoping they were full of honey oil!

I did harvest some Scott's OG today for seeds and the big calyxes had big dark seeds!
I counted out days and it's only 46 for the CJxGM's so the early one's prolly got a week or so... I'll keep a close eye on the trichomes though and pull her out if she starts to go too far.

I got the next line up vegging up a storm in the other closet... I gotta pick a few more to go in the center row in 5 gal'ers too... got a couple CJxGM's that are my top candidates... maybe a CBH too...
Regardless of the day count, I very well may take the more mature one down in the morning. I'm keeping an eye on trichs and they are mostly cloudy but the ambers are starting to creep up. I wanted to wait it out and see if she plumped up the calyxes more but I'm psyched to get to try it too. There are three phenos here with distinct smells. The more mature pheno has a juicy fruit on overdrive kind of awesomeness... almost fuelly but awesome fruity too... and then the front one has this wonderful ultra-lemon flavor... the same fuelly-ness but with lemon exclusively... reminds me of... floor cleaner, which is more enjoyable than it sounds, haha.

The third pheno smells less distinct and is harder to pin point... leans towards the juicy fruit pheno but is more muted or dry.

Very excited to try them all... i managed to get clones of two of them... I THINK, if I remember correctly, they are the juicy fruity and lemon ones...
Funny, you buy a pack of seeds and the freebies end up being the prize. Actually, to be fair, I have yet to manage a run on CBH at all... saving it for my new location just in case I need to start over from seed. But my buddy had issues with it, it didn't treat him too well... I got 2 males from my 2 attempts... got 3 females out of 3 seeds with the CJxGM and they are just a stunningly beautiful plant... I am very seriously considering ordering something else from sannies just to get another pack of CJxGMs for the freebie. I guess I will decide after I try it. But I'm about ready without trying it.. a pleasure to grow and smells wonderful.. heh. I might have to place two orders tho cuz he also has Chemistry as a freebie (Chemdawg x Killing Fields)
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Pulled down the first CJxGM.. here she is just before:






My favorite leaf: :)


Chop chop:


Here is the bulkier of the other two... hot on the heels of the first..:





Here's the third... plenty of bud still, but slimmer tower/christmas tree shape:


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At LEAST two phenos here... obvious contrast between the first two and the third, but I'm fairly sure the first two smell different too. Also don't think I got a clone of the third... got two of one, one of the other, not sure of which though. I guess I'll find out when I grow them out. I was planning on keeping one of the three as a mother and flowering the other two. We'll see though, I could keep another as a mother as well. I enjoyed growing these a lot.
Thank you hyroot!

I love the colors too... I feel like I started cutting back on N a bit too early because I was thinking in terms of the C99 schedule. The red may just be an expression of the N deficiency. I was trying to be aggressive about cutting it earlier, as I felt like I gave too much N last time. I wanted to encourage natural color changing in hopes of reducing overall cloryphyll content to help with taste when the bud isn't fully cured yet.

I may have cut it a bit early as I said. But I like how it worked out, those are pretty nice the way they are with the shifted tones.

Definitely looking forward to trying all three of these. I feel like CJxGM will end up in heavy rotation as a new hybrid solution. It had a pretty short turn around overall, beautiful growth, nice crystal coverage, and the smell makes me salivate. :) I like the way it wants to throw that big central cola due to the indica in the genes... wondering what it would do in a SOG situation if you lollipopped... I think it would be pretty impressive...
I'm addicted to the big cola. I want to believe in yields as a primary goal, but I also just can't help wanting to set up my plans to allow me to grow biggies... whether it be much longer veg after topping or just not topping.

All I'm saying is, I just want to make a cola the size of a 2 liter bottle someday. Heh. That is my quest, I think. ;)
There's something very cool about the way they all come together to lock into one big mass. Also, the extra protection it's providing for the THC as it layers over seems important in terms of degradation. And, trimming is so much easier.