the american fedreal reserve. stop the NAU!


Well-Known Member
Just so you know. I've contacted my senators and congreswoman on every important issue for the past five years. I usually get back a form letter saying they are working on a solution to whatever the issue is, but being a form letter, you know it was a worthless gesture. I know those Democrats that got elected to stop the fucking war didn't do their jobs. All they had to do was refuse to send a bill to the president and as soon as he ran out of money, he'd have to bring the troops home or look like a butcher. Maybe the public outcry about illegals might have slowed the amnesty bill, but we all know it's a done deal, just means they'll have to wait a little longer. The only solution as I see it is to vote against incumbents in every election, set definent term limits, and make lobbying illegal. That would eliminate part of the problem.
Make lobbying illegal? That move would be valuable than single-payer healthcare. Hey med, guess who has the biggest lobbying effort at Gucci Gulch?