bob harris
Well-Known Member
I have no problem with Fair Taxation, its part of the way we get roads and such...
I Do have an issue with our incomes being illegally garnished without our consent.
I dont believe in taxes that take money from one group/agency, and give it to another.
See bob, you like to paint those like me as Anit Government, When I am actually just ANTI Government Control of individual Liberty and Freedom, and most of the tax structure today is illegal, and used to control people financially.
and its not just one part of government, its the entire structure that is setup to control you, but the real issue is those in the offices, not the offices themselves, though a large majority are not needed, therefore tax money to run them is not needed.
Timahh, the reality is that most Americans pay very little taxes. I'm sure you have never earned enough to pay squat. After personal exemptions, standard deductions, child tax credits, earned income credits..taxes don't really start to be [paid until someone gets over $40,000 a year or so.
And you hate the "big guy" I mean you bash me all the time because I had a high paying career before I got PD.
you so talk out of both sides of your mouth its funny.
The entertainment you give me is the only reason I post. It's soooooo 3 year old!