The Art Of Defoliation


Well-Known Member
Yeah I'm seeing it now on the first pic you've uploaded... if this one gets too high then 'supercropping' would be a good way to deal with that (just do a forum search on that keyword, they've already got it all covered pretty well here)
zed by the feedback it’s really cool to have someone listen when I have a problem I do plan to Scott honestly gonna throw the trellis down today any tips notes
before bringing a scrognet/trellis on them, first throw the males out. Your plants are already more than 4 weeks old? Search for the preflowers. You should then have more space available.

You've just topped them - give them some time in order to see how swift the sidestems develop.

How close you can move your light towards the plants depends on the strength of your lights, which will also limit the size of your plants at some point. How great is the area to light out and how much power the lights draw from the wall + what's the setup? Also, consider another change of the pouches to x2 or x2.5 of the current size to allow for better growth, perhaps after you've thrown the males out.

Once the area is completely filled with leaves you can then turn to flower them, clear the bottom leaves, and just let the colas stretch upwards 30cm to 50cm - everything else under the net gets lollipopped. Don't be afraid of too many leaves in the vegetation period because later, some may fall of anyway and then the penetration will also get better and the buds can develop nicely. If you strip too much or incite flower too early it'll only result in having less colas which will only harm your total harvest weight. Especially if plants are healthy and growing good 1-2 weeks added vegetation can make a huge difference.

And when you're scrogging (binding the stalks & stems into the net) and individual places get too bushy while the outside still need some nodes, then top the hell out of the places. The more you top the more future budsites will be created.
Also, if you're good, you can set the large plants to the sides so they'll get more sidelighting.

Hope this helps! Happy growing :weed:


Well-Known Member
Damn I need to quit asking q bc this is exactly what I was gonna do I put teellis down but went against it as I need to floor up to 3g and also see the males out ain’t good at that but I’ll give it a go and the space will be there once they declare here are some pics if u don’t mind and u already saying this but I’ve already rearranged the tent to put all plant y’all on outside damn I feel like asking to be sure but if ur telling me what I was and did do already damn @Kassiopeija pics are of what I think are sex idk and of bigger plants on outside it made a little room for now as well I figure in the next two days they will declare



Well-Known Member
I opted against a full defoliate going to let it fill out first and declare before hand @MICHI-CAN just trying to get it all. In order there is a big difference in learning g something studying etc and being on the field lol shits real in da field


Well-Known Member
Damn I need to quit asking q bc this is exactly what I was gonna do I put teellis down but went against it as I need to floor up to 3g and also see the males out ain’t good at that but I’ll give it a go and the space will be there once they declare here are some pics if u don’t mind and u already saying this but I’ve already rearranged the tent to put all plant y’all on outside damn I feel like asking to be sure but if ur telling me what I was and did do already damn @Kassiopeija pics are of what I think are sex idk and of bigger plants on outside it made a little room for now as well I figure in the next two days they will declare
only pic 1 shows a pre-sex, but I'm not sure which one it is, I would vouche for female so observe if, at some point, or elsewhere at this plant, you'll see the typical white pistils which is the guarantee of a female plant. Without pistils the difference of male vs female is that female preflowers are a tad more pointy, elongated, less spade-shaped like male preflowers are.
Please shoot pics in good quality and as close as possible

the other pics show stipules



Well-Known Member
I’m not in flower yet from seed about 45 days or so in an I am also seeing no defoliate then to defoliate? I’ve topped the plants and they are growing should I trellis them? And I am limited on space as I figured some would be males I ran more than I needed for this size tent which is a 4x4 should I defoliate? And if so how much I figured they will sex soon? These are pics recently had a few problems w nutrients long story but next to that?
i Assume I’m a few weeks from flower?
@PadawanWarrior @Ozymandiasza @Just Be
I personally take a good look at each plant every time I water and usually take a few leaves off each while they are in vigorous veg growth. Some people go absolutely nuts with defoliation, I prefer to do it over time. Your canopy isnt super dense but I would take a few leaves off those.


Well-Known Member
@thats the shit I’m talking about there @MICHI-CAN but yes I am going to sex trellis lollipop in that order I will shoot pics in better focus but won’t bother tonight as I know in the next fr I will have to be on them even more thanks everyone I think I like it here gonna keep u all posted I like to talk shop one thing I’ll do is be active lol @Kassiopeija


Well-Known Member
@thats the shit I’m talking about there @MICHI-CAN but yes I am going to sex trellis lollipop in that order I will shoot pics in better focus but won’t bother tonight as I know in the next fr I will have to be on them even more thanks everyone I think I like it here gonna keep u all posted I like to talk shop one thing I’ll do is be active lol @Kassiopeija
Sex them. Lay them out how you want them. get the tops even. Strip everything from the base to the 4th or 5th node from the top one week before you flip. Net it. Defoliate again at week 3 of flower. Then keep stems bare until week 5. Only remove leaves as needed after that.