The Art of Growing, Cheaply

Biological Graffity

Active Member, before I get stoned and forget...mixed up 2 grow jugs and 2 bloom jugs of fert to be airated /brewed for 48 hrs each jug 7 gals US...grow...30 ml HNgrow, 30 ml prozime 10 ml flayworfull and half a tea spoon of great white...bloom jugs (ea) 30 ml HN grow, 30 ml HN bloom, 30 ml hn prozime, 30 ml hn honey es, 10 ml flaworfull, 1/2 ts great white.


Well-Known Member
where did you get your tent from? also glad to see someone putting a lot of work into a grow for med patients :)

Biological Graffity

Active Member
its actually a greenhouse that I use later in the year to harden up garden plants, bought it a few years ago for like $300, good investment, I tryed to find a link for you , but no luck, there are tons of similar ones though...

Biological Graffity

Active Member
Why, Thanx smokebros!! Here is the quick update, things are going good in flower room we are on our 3 rd week with the majority of the Haze there. Just fed and watered them, Haze mom,showing some signs of N defficiency took 2 gallons before starting to get wet bellow the waist if uKWIM?...she is juicing so much I gotta remember to keep up! Deisel hybreed looks great, but was also too dry, lowrider hybread is the tallest plant in the room and so far looks like the worst yelder...I never topped it, but its lowrider WTF?!Than went to water feed the girls in big veg room, but they wont need it for a few more days so I had to return jugs back to bubble ...for a while I had my waterings/feedings down, but now the're starting to become sporadic....also the 4 yung moms that were switched from 24 t-5 to 18/6 MH stretched a bit, no major concerns are some pics...


Biological Graffity

Active Member
...well no pics yet, but mixed a new batch of flower feed and started brewing, this time we went with 45 ml grow, 60 ml bloom 60 ml honey es, 45 ml prozime, 25 ml flayvorful /per 6-61/2 gal jug... used local water this time...almost forgot, today went to check humidity, 98% temp 55* ....WTF!? my heater dont program bellow 70!!!....I must of tript over the cord and unpluged it!!! the good news it didnt get colder than 55*...I think its time to unplug both heaters in flower and veg rooms....Ladies and gentlemen, I dont want to jinx this, but I think we made it through the 55* a little to low for indoor grow? what should I expect?


Well-Known Member
hey it gets cold in the fall and if there stron healthy plants then they should be fine and i hope spring is here tired of moving sno and firewood. wanna ride the harley now.


Well-Known Member
55 is kinda cold for seedlings or new clones, but one night or so of it wont much.

I let my flowering ladies get pretty cold like that a few times when its cool outside .
Some think it may accelerate flowering because its thinking the season is alsmost over.

Biological Graffity

Active Member
Ok qu7ick update....heaters were unplugged last night and here are temps : outdoors as low as 28* , flower down to 60*F , humidity spiked to 99%., venting now, veg room 58*F ...I think in the name of efficiency heaters stay OFF!, today transplanting wheelchair and white lightning clones....tommorrow I will show you a whole new side of this op....stay tunned, I promise its gonna start getting really good! :)

Biological Graffity

Active Member
hey it gets cold in the fall and if there stron healthy plants then they should be fine and i hope spring is here tired of moving sno and firewood. wanna ride the harley now.
I only burned 1/4 tank of oil this winter, but close to 3 chords of firewood, as far as summer toys, I recently swapped my on/off road yamaha 350 for this...



Well-Known Member
I only burned 1/4 tank of oil this winter, but close to 3 chords of firewood, as far as summer toys, I recently swapped my on/off road yamaha 350 for this...

yea i burned about the same. i did have to order a load the other day to get me throuh the stretch plus am having a big party for the blessing of the bikes. the bear is kewl i want to get a toy like that or one of the mule type work horses. plus a blade on the front as i use an old ford 9n with a backblade for snow removal and it is a back killer. i had a yamaha on/off road 750 rode the piss out of it. and all the others. lol catch cha later

Biological Graffity

Active Member know when u smoke, and sit down to update ur jurnal, and tipe like 3 paragraphs, and go back to crossreference ur old post, and all 3 paragraphs lost forever? GM everyone, quick update, transplanted wheelchair and white litning clones, mixed a new batch of soil using a yellow happy frog bail, anyone else played with those? sais its a soil supplement...watered everything in mama/baby room, here are some shots notice the oldest Iranian , its the same age as fer ugly sister...looks like something I've seen in SCARHOLE's jurnal,anyhow....watered/fed everything in veg room, I thgink next time we gonna let off the throttle here and just water.....also had to flush the deisel and the big haze mom, I have missread the yellow leafs, the firt thats already mixed is preety strong, so I'm using it on the remaining haze tonight, and after that, water for the next feeding.
In the next few days, I'm cloning the Iranians, bubblegummer and purple moroc (last 2 ufo freebees) , alsot got some TGA beans that I'm gonna be cracking Chernobyl, Jelly bean and theFlav...
I gotta read up more on super soil technics and do away with liquid fert all together, oh well smoke em if u got em for now...check out roots on those clones....neglect...



Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Biological Graffity
...yeah there is always plenty of Ph probs on yellowing question hasnt been answered yet....leaves yellowing starting with the veins ....usually in flower, its not on any of the charts...what you think scar?not a Ph problem for sure, and honestly doubt its a cal mag defficiency either, more like an excess of some sort....that chemo Iranian sounds awesome for outdoors...gonna start looking 'round for sum clones...

My Plants tops always get yellower stems when in early flower an the streatch is greatist.
The stems are kinda yellow, tell about half way threw flower.
Then it just goes away as the buds come on, never seemed to hurt anything.

I assumed its taking alot of Nitrogen for streatch, like it does down low from the fan leafs.

Is your problem in early flower?


Biological Graffity

Active Member
nope, we 're 30 days in flower 45 to go, so we're past "the initial flower stretch stage" (say it 3 times fast)...also I was talking 'bout leafs turning yellow starting with the starting germination on chernobyl, The Flav and jelly bean also cloning new mama hase, hedghog durban (durban/blueberry) , wheelchair ( LOL, getting clones you're always get the story...the story with this strain is it was thought to be wheelchair, but got switched up and now aperantly its not wheelchair , but black hawaiian...which is a mix of a whole other batch of strains) this point I got it cloned and sticking it in flower to see if its worth fucking with...along with the ufo's freebies : purple moroc and bubblegummer...all these young moms getting cloned and going in to flower by next wedensday ( Yup I got another patient)....

Biological Graffity

Active Member
ok, didnt mix any fert this feeding, so I used some free bee roots organic trinity, at 15 mil a gallon + 5 mil a gallon of sea cal and sea mag respectively...thats for old flower ,so far cloned amazing haze and iranian auto flower...will clone the rest today, the haze mom continues to yellow, so is the deisel (showing some purple spots on leaves) ....will post some pics tonight...adding some plants to flower + some new lights...figgure just eddit the update, fertilized new plants in flower, ...
New in flower as of 04/22 bubblegummer mom, hedgehog durban mom, purple moroc mom, the rest are haze...they have all been cloned...still working on additional lights in flower room...will post pics when finished, plants in flower got fed HN Grow 15 ml, HN Bloom 15 Ml, HNHoney ES 15 ml , Sea cal, sea mag, prozime, flaworfull, 5 ML each....

Biological Graffity

Active Member a few pics of new lights...they 're just a couple of 250 HPSs...sume extra light for the ladies that just went in to flower+ for all those side buds that take double the time to get ready, ....
as of a couple of days ago we are runing 1900 watts in flower room...

