has kept me busy ALL day...took longer than I thought..It's me age.....
No..not me...the Girls..the girls....
lol thought you had found another lot of Viagra bud

I wish i could spend my days doing this, it would be a dream come true
I couldn't trust the Ogun males weren't gonna drop one...
Mamma always said watch out for those fast boys, they'll get you in trouble
FullD...I'll catch up with everyone soon..
I have to say m8...Glorious...
I can see the Difference that tiered potting systen has done for you..
I can see the vigor in them that I am getting in mine...
First off my friend thank you, it always mean something to me when you stop and look that deep at the girls
you are really pulling out all the stops.....
you are determined to keep ahead of me and BH in the cup challenge...

ALL for the good of the Girls.....
Something like that, i want to see where i can really take them in such small spaces. Im staring to see that a scrog set up would take them to where they need to be. If given enough root room, as well as height they will branch like no other. You dont even need to top these plants and you can get enough tops to pull some serious yields off these. After seeing NC's ALF and then watching what happens when i went tiered, a screen for them to grow against would be on point.
If i get a female or two out of these germs i think i am going to give it a try and see what happens, form looking back at my previous grows and seeing what the individual side branches produce getting exposed only could mean better things .
So there may be a mini scrog set up with my cups

But its all in order to see how much can be produced with these with the right amount of care. And in the smalles amout of space
so that root good health was mainly down to the water.
I would have to agree, with the water loaded with o2 and the correct pH
they dont have to work as hard to get what they need. Plus with all the o2 they an just stay healthy. I think that they are the whitest i have seen. I dont get to see things like that when i pull a plant. Not cause there not white there just not there like that. I cant explain it.
You run the cider vinegar..and I will test the Red wine vinegar..come spring..see if I get variation on the two types.
IF it is the wine Tannins that are should be better.
Sounds good my friend well be able to see if there are any differences now that you have ran the white. I too think that if there is anything beneficial from the wine its going to be the reds. Reds dont have that color for no reason. All the nuts and berries and things like that are used in the process to make it have to still be there even when aged into vinegar.
You know I was gonna water test the dog...brace..brace.....
I had to read that twice lol
But i think what you were seeing was contamination from the ferts. I run o2 at all time with ceramic airstones and never get a build up, only time i do is when i add ferts and the kelp. I think you'll find that when you get a new one you wont see that again.
Ahh i see taking something else into action

Ive seen some fascinating yields using this method, i looked for the old threads but i cant locate them. Ill look later. I want to see what it would do to autos due to all the air i have been adding everywhere else
they have the cheek to leave the empty seed pod...
Mini Rippers....
seem to be and i bet that was a site to see. I can just see them heigh ho heigh ho its off to work we go
With your two tier system in operation could put the Plain compo into the small pot for the germinantion process..
then your amended soil into the big pot.
I am glad that you mentioned this. I will be interesting to see the results when i do this, and if it works good enough all i should have to do is just water. Rely on the added goodies of the vinegar and rain water and i think i may be good. Fingers crossed
so I'm thinking your Good soil had something to do with that.
Thank you my friend i appreciate this
I hope so id like to get it to a tea that way i can post a good solid recipie
its all about working out the kinks. If i can make it through the entire JEM grow with water
ill post if not is back to the drawing board. I have posted ingredients but never levels
if it works ill get them together.