Is that your first run of bad bettys? how many did you grow and did they all have longer branches like in your 2nd photo?
Im going to start some "super bad betty's" today, I cant wait any longer! I dont even have the space for them but I been gifted loads of new grow equipment so im hoping to find another nice space to take over in the house to grow them in
Psiren (f3) from 2 days ago, the AF's are starting to show sex, I should roughly get a 50/50 split AF/NON-AF and same again with the male/female ratio within that 50% of AF's so hopefully out of a tray of 20 f3's I should see 5 AF females.
Im really glad I started them in them small pots cos the soil mix I been using in the bigger pots is causing me all kinds of problems, as soon as I got confirmed females they will be going in a bigger pot in one of the same soil mixes I used in the greenhouse over summer.
Remember the speedy g's I started, and I moved the first male to show sex into the conservatory where the temp is between -10C - 2C and we are on about 9 hours daylight with him getting 0 hours direct sunlight..... well he still looks exactly the same as when i put him there a couple of weeks ago. the big one is a girl that showed sex 4 days after the male which is the 2nd photo, both exactly the same age, apart from the male looks like he has been in the stasis booth most his life. the entire time he has been there he hasnt drop a single bit of pollen, non of the ball have opened, im sure if I tapped them they would fall off. I want to see what happens when I put him back under 20/4 lights, but I also want to know how long can he take it?