The Art of The Auto

John Mondello

Active Member
Well that makes 2 of us sweetheart....we must be cut from the same cloth!!! I am sure I could give you a run for your money!!! lol
I'd agree cut from the same cloth.. or in my case titanium.. lol.. but I'm not saure you COULD give me a run for my money! lol

(elbow jab, wink... smile)


John Mondello

Active Member didn't like my post.....:( lol

Fantastic plants J....wish I would have had those to view at 4AM while I was having my coffee!
It was a funny post... just wasn't prepared to see manboobs... that usually takes special prep.... its a harsh reality! lol

Sorry I can't always conform to your schedule, maybe you can put me on the payroll?! lol


John Mondello

Active Member
Just sit in the middle of them

Well, I've been thinkin that... my profile pic is of my cat "Clone" He ran right in there today and sat in the middle of them (fortunatey didn't break anything). I scruff-necked him outta there.. We already had a convo about that. I move a couple plants out for him if he wants to sit under the light and chill... He didn't ask or wait... I was pissed... kicked his ass outside for a coule hours. I always tell him, "You can sit in there anytime, but you have to ask and I'll make room for you so you don't fuck anything up!"

Maybe I'm weird, but I know the loveable little shit knows better.



Active Member
It was a funny post... just wasn't prepared to see manboobs... that usually takes special prep.... its a harsh reality! lol

Sorry I can't always conform to your schedule, maybe you can put me on the payroll?! lol

Mmmmmm.....maybe we can work something

John Mondello

Active Member
Well, there are certain things in high demand here at the moment... lol and certain things I have large quantities of!

I'll be down your way in January! lol


Active Member
Okay guys, I thought I would make it up to you, since "some" of you didn't like my last pic....Hope this is more to your liking....


John Mondello

Active Member
so much better... but now I gotta take abreak and take care of business... lol

any chance you look anything like this or the first sexy girl you posted k21?


Active Member
K2 your going to get me in trouble with the wife if pics like that keep comming up on the screen.

any chance you look anything like this or the first sexy girl you posted k21?
I wouldn't count on it. Internet chicks never look like the pics they post up.


Active Member
K2 your going to get me in trouble with the wife if pics like that keep comming up on the screen.

I wouldn't count on it. Internet chicks never look like the pics they post up.
I don't look quite that good but people don't run away in fear or vomit when they see me!!!! That's a plus in my book!!!! lol

John Mondello

Active Member
I can attest.. assuming her pics she sent are real... she's pretty hot!


ps - I'm pleasantly surprised... usually they dont look that good from the internet into the light! lol


Active Member
I can attest.. assuming her pics she sent are real... she's pretty hot!


ps - I'm pleasantly surprised... usually they dont look that good from the internet into the light! lol
Yes they are real....not bad for having 4 kids even if I do say so myself!!! lol


Well-Known Member
K2 your going to get me in trouble with the wife if pics like that keep comming up on the screen.
Your not the only one BH me too, mine will be like "i thought you were on a pot site WTF is that"

and thank you my friend on the dog, its tough and its gonna be a tough week. I have a lot of feeding to do and warmth to provide
Ive never thought about insuring my animals, i have heard of it but never looked into it
IF i had done that i would mist certainly have taken them in but if i take them to a vet and they dont survive then i am out serious $$
i have nurtured a few mother rejects in the past but this is going to be daunting as i have 5 to care for and i have an 8-5

and that draft of yours is a beaut as well as the bulldog, i love his brendel striping there a hard one to find just like a true blue Pittbull

thanks again for the kind words my friend and it is crazy that we both had a dog name roxy great minds think a like