The Art of The Auto


Active Member
Mornin mossy the girls are looking good i sees a bit of burn it looks like ya pointed out FD is gonna be upset. Im glad ya like the yoda i looked like hell for the dragon that kinda fit in with the style of the yoda i enjoy doing to work i havent done it for a few years im happy you guys like them oh and im working on one for FD i have a concept in my head its gonna be a bitch to put it into motion thou.


Active Member
no prob man im sure if i was a little more together id be able to come up with a better design ill make a few more just cause i can think right now

John Mondello

Active Member
... encounter... thanks for the image... apreciate it! its sweet... like the other you made as well... everybody's gonna be all customed up here!

mornin mosser! girls are lookin sexy as usual!



Active Member
Encounterzero I don't know if this might help you or yourself either Harry but I'm an insomniac and used to get prescribed dangerous levels of melatonin (sleep hormone) now instead I don't take any pills I smoke about 1g of good Indica/Sativa 70% Indica or more, you will not be able to stay awake after that unless your trying to stay awake :D


Active Member
hell yeah ill custom up some crazy shit all anyone has to do is ask if i dot reply with it fairly quick im either passed out or working on a design for it


Active Member
Anyway my names Mick nice to meet you all, currently I'm growin auto ak47 from lowlife...3 out of 5 feminized seeds popped and 1 has been chopped already, she was a dwarf and I only got 5g dry off her :( Very nice smoke still though. Here's pics on how it's goin so far and I have a 100w LED UFO light ordered to put in along with the 125w CFL and 20w Reptile light.


The one with the scissors is the 50 bag on a stick I got but she was a beautiful smooth smoke still and I would say to anyone this is a strain worth having.



Active Member have talked another couple of pages while I was rolling.....:roll:

you lot could talk the hind legs off a Donkey...:mrgreen:

Thanks again. I am an insomniac myself. It is a horrible curse./QUOTE]
I Think if you asked would find a Lot of us are...
I Think it is Why we smoke canna..all part and parcel....

Encounterzero I don't know if this might help you or yourself either Harry but I'm an insomniac and used to get prescribed dangerous levels of melatonin (sleep hormone) now instead I don't take any pills I smoke about 1g of good Indica/Sativa 70% Indica or more, you will not be able to stay awake after that unless your trying to stay awake

Cheers...I use heavy indy.
I find the satis Doms are the ones that make your mind race and keep you awake with Thoughts..
I'm Ultra Indy..Ultra Greedy..:roll:

mornin mosser! girls are lookin sexy as usual!
Morning JM..cheers is a joy to get up in the morning to gaze at them.
I gave into temptation yesterday..
gave them a Sugar feed...thought they might appreciate the lift.

And..cheers..I never thought about having to have paper work for a copywrite symbol..
Damn..I'll stick to my @ symbol....:mrgreen:

I just realised what an asset it is adding the names for Myself too...
I have over 20,000 sometimes I forget who is who..
if I add the name somewhere prominent...
I'm never gonna forget when I get my Craft moments....
(Can't remember a f-ing thing....:roll:...Craft)
I Think that runs with the lack of sleep too...