The Art of The Auto


Active Member
so I need some a prob I believe with my auto ak
You are correct not a def. I am going to go with over watering. How long do you figure your soil stays wet?
It sure did take off. For the amount of growth it just did it looks great. You must be doing some thing correct it looks spot on. IMO

It will wilt if it's too dry or too wet. Typically when you over water you will see a N def start, so you will see wilting plus yellow leaves. I supose really compacted substrate could do the same.

If it was me i'd let it dry out a bit more between waterings. And just let it ride. Since it still looks good! Transplant shock shouldn't last more than a week. So transplant is out of the equation.

Keep us posted on the progress, ither way.


New Member
well since i transplanted 2+ weeks ago she grew like crazy and its just this week she started this drooping...was wondering as this soil mix is so light maybe the roots grow too quick and now she is rootbound as the flowers are growing pretty slow is a pic of the day of transplant and the first pic i posted is 2 1/2 weeks later grew like 20in that soils ph is 6-6.5..and so is the water.
what soil mix you using ??



BIGHILL soil stay wet about 3-4 days sometimes Auto widow soil has been wet almost 5 days...but the soil isnt the same ratio as the AK...

My soil mix is coconut fibers...not the coco I have alot of coconuts here I cut up the fibers to use instead of throwing it away...mixed with some peat moss...and some reg dirt. for the Auto AK ratio is about 35% coconut 40% peat and 20 soil ahh yeah and 10% perlite for got about that..well its not exact but you get it..and about a handfull of rabbit shit...for anyone if you know or not but rabbit is suppose to be real good high in nitrogen and phosphorus..and isnt hot so shouldnt burn i havent had any problems with it yet..


Active Member
Morning m8's.......
Flying theis morning..should be back later though..

YUP... i know them as the Knights of CannaLot(a_mix,FD,mossy...)...good guys all the way.
Enter the Official Court Jester...:clap:

Get your eyes off the Big Bitches...I seen you...
look at the girl behind the 1ltr vinegar bottle...
That is a Standard 12 inch AF....:hump:

Harry Bald Sack

Active Member
Yes they are definitely some cool cats. Well let me be the 1st to welcome you to The Art of the Auto on behalf of FD and all the other cool ass mofo's that hang out in here.

Good to know K2.. Time for me too start building some buds :)

HAHA! .. and Mossy beats me to the punch. Morning Mossy.