The attitude know fuck all about ganja!


Ok but you still havent provided anyone of us with a site to purchase your seeds. What you dont want business? I guess were arent the only ppl that dont know what they are doing?

And do you think that Big Macs are the same as whoppers? Why do you care how good their seeds are? Seems to me that if I was going to start a seed bank I would want to provide the best seeds. I wouldnt worry about comp.

and website please I have asked like 7 times now. You dont want my business? that is no way to run a business.


Well-Known Member
i say a childish annoying troll!
i say a childish annoying troll!

not your bed time yet? * sigh *

still rising to the bate shows me how immature you are.


Look dude, you really do think I was born yesterday, If I post my site then potentially I could effect buisness negativley, you really do think I am stupid ROFL, your not wanting to buy seeds, you just want me to provide my site link so that you know I am not a troll. Comeon dude, at least try better than that!

Please post what you want about me, pos every name under the sun till your hearts content!

I just have that quiet satisfaction :D


What the Fuck is the name of your website? you keep talking but no results as much as you bitch about The Attitude I would think that you would want to provide ppl with higher quality seeds since you bitched about it.

Let me guess you are going to come up with a responce that has nothing to do with "your" seedbank.

And no actually if you can give me a better price then I would buy from you. that is how it works. What I going to do. Inform your local police. fuck.


This noob has got to weigh in to. I would think that if you really ran a seed bank business, you would be ecstatic about them having such a failure rate. Seems to me as though this would help your business. But instead you choose to get very angry. It gives the appearance that you were depending on those free seeds and didn't have any luck. Weighing the competition answer just didn't make any sense. As for them being in it for the money. They are a business which requires them to do exactly that. If you really do run one, or ever plan to, you might want to remember this. Hopefully you will have better luck next time you grow.
Another vote for troll


Active Member
I think Mary Jane is obsessing just a little too much. Is there something you're not telling us?A personal problem perhaps?


Well-Known Member
This noob has got to weigh in to. I would think that if you really ran a seed bank business, you would be ecstatic about them having such a failure rate. Seems to me as though this would help your business. But instead you choose to get very angry. It gives the appearance that you were depending on those free seeds and didn't have any luck. Weighing the competition answer just didn't make any sense. As for them being in it for the money. They are a business which requires them to do exactly that. If you really do run one, or ever plan to, you might want to remember this. Hopefully you will have better luck next time you grow.
Another vote for troll

omg, you really do have this all worked out:lol: dam you are really clever :mrgreen:

nice first post, oopps dam I will have to restrain myself as I am getting awfully angry NOW! HAHAHAHAHAHA :lol::bigjoint:


New Member
They sell good stuff and are a proven company, your proven yourself to be talken complete shite, 90% of us are growing good herb from Attitude and are happy, 10% of us that being you are saying they are crap and know fuck all, are we all wrong ? or is it just you ? if more people were getting bad results they would say, but their not.
Ive used many companies over the years from the dearest to the cheapest, from the best to the worst, ive been over to Holland many times and when i buy there ''smoke'' or seeds what you get from Attitude is pretty much the same, they have been in the game a long time its already been said they have a good customer service and fling in the odd free seed/seeds because they want to, what is it you really want then ? or what would you like you cant get at Attitude.


New Member
HAHAHA Please, come back when you have ever growing a weed plant.

your boring :sleep::sleep::sleep::sleep:

Ohh, and I do own my own seed bank and sell seeds btw, so please noob, come back when you know who your talking too.

I call bs on this person. I dont beleve youve ever grown one seed. (or any herb for that matter). I dont think you even smoke herb. I dont uderstand why people who say they smoke herb would be sooooooooooooooooo uptight?! Again I call bs. (but in a nice way lol) Time to toke not joke! Peace :bigjoint:


New Member
Two things:

1- The original poster of this thread is an uneducated halfhead who can't even get past the germination stage of growing weed. Who's the noob now?

2- This grow was done with seeds I bought from The Attitude, you stupid fuck. Enjoy:
Nice grow, ive also grew the same and also had top results more so with the big bang, to say Attitude knows fuck all about seeds or weed is like saying Mcdonalds know fuck all about Hamburgers, the dudes on a trip, a lonely trip at that.


Active Member