The average american has officially become lonely


Well-Known Member
The Republicans are the biggest threat to the future of this country. The declare that they will not do anything with the Democrats. When I last checked politics wasn't about parties it was about voting for what your constituents want. The people that elected you, not your party. We are not the Union and the confederacy. We are THE UNION.

Republicans are helpless pussies. If they would pull their heads out of their asses and stop worrying about getting re-elected maybe we could fix our problems. Instead of staring at the floor and voting no on everything that doesn't include harassing people or spending money in their home state.

Dude your so caught up in the Right vs Left bullshit mind wash, its no wonder your not seeing whats going on.. Its the two-party system that has fucked most this country up. Not the righties, not the lefties... But both! This country was built discouraging a two-party system. Trading one party out for the other is not going to fix a damn thing cause both parties have the same agenda but different paths to get there. Pad their pockets and fuck its citizens.


Undercover Mod
Dude your so caught up in the Right vs Left bullshit mind wash, its no wonder your not seeing whats going on.. Its the two-party system that has fucked most this country up. Not the righties, not the lefties... But both! This country was built discouraging a two-party system. Trading one party out for the other is not going to fix a damn thing cause both parties have the same agenda but different paths to get there. Pad their pockets and fuck its citizens.
Try and tell me that the entire political atmosphere in this country is not right vs left right now.


Well-Known Member
Try and tell me that the entire political atmosphere in this country is not right vs left right now.
So that means we all should belong to one side or the other? Fuck that! You can keep your democratic party affiliation. I've been informed that I'm a 'self-denying republican' (lolololololol!!!!). I think both parties suck equally. There goes that 'self-denying republican' theory.:-|


Undercover Mod
I just don't get why you feel the need to down him. Let me hear a few reasons. With a base. No hes Muslim or he's a socialist. Real factual reasons to dislike him.


Well-Known Member
I just don't get why you feel the need to down him. Let me hear a few reasons. With a base. No hes Muslim or he's a socialist. Real factual reasons to dislike him.
I haven't really given a shit for an American prez since............well, since maybe Kennedy. I could give a fuck about him being Muslim. If he is, great! If he isn't, that's great too. He is way inexperienced and he has proven it over and over. Obamacare is the main thing I don't like about him. I'm not going to make a whole list because there is a lot! Obamacare will lower the quality of care in this country, period! Instead of focusing on what's really important (jobs/economy) he's worried about healthcare. It'll be great for you youngbucks who don't get sick very often but for us older folk. God help us if we ever really get sick!:shock:


Undercover Mod
He is worried about the 50 million americans who can't afford their medicine or even to get sick. Do you have no sympathy for people who work their asses off working shitty jobs to support their family and could never afford a major illness without it destroying their entire shitty life.

Sure we have a semi good health care system9not the best in the world). Because of out capitalist system we do have the best health advancements I do give it that. But the thing is it is the most expensive and not the best. How is that a good thing?


Well-Known Member
He is worried about the 50 million americans who can't afford their medicine or even to get sick. Do you have no sympathy for people who work their asses off working shitty jobs to support their family and could never afford a major illness without it destroying their entire shitty life.

Sure we have a semi good health care system9not the best in the world). Because of out capitalist system we do have the best health advancements I do give it that. But the thing is it is the most expensive and not the best. How is that a good thing?
............I'm one of those people bro. I beg to differ. Our healthcare is the best in the world, I dont' give a shit what some poll says. I never said the cost of healthcare was a good thing. Obamacare does nothing to address cost.


Undercover Mod
There is to much money involved. Our healthcare system is more corrupt than our government. Our pharmaceutical corporations are the biggest drug pushers in the country and they have everyone from the doctors to our politicians in their pockets.


Undercover Mod
So it is a good thing our healthcare system is good, even if you can't afford it? That doesn't bother you?

They value profit over your life.


Well-Known Member
So it is a good thing our healthcare system is good, even if you can't afford it? That doesn't bother you?

They value profit over your life.
You really are a 'word in mouth putter' aren't ya? Where in any post I've ever made at RIU, or any other forum for that matter, have I ever made this or any similar statement? Of course it bothers me but I spent over 15 years working in hospitals and on ambulances (what does anybody here do to help the situation?). I even volunteered a good portion of that time. I never saw someone turned away due to inability to pay or no insurance. It may happen but it's extremely rare. Numerous charities and entitlement programs already exist to deal with this very issue.:eyesmoke:


Active Member
You really are a 'word in mouth putter' aren't ya? Where in any post I've ever made at RIU, or any other forum for that matter, have I ever made this or any similar statement? Of course it bothers me but I spent over 15 years working in hospitals and on ambulances (what does anybody here do to help the situation?). I even volunteered a good portion of that time. I never saw someone turned away due to inability to pay or no insurance. It may happen but it's extremely rare. Numerous charities and entitlement programs already exist to deal with this very issue.:eyesmoke:
Medical bills are the major cause of bankruptcy in this country.

Sure, it is against the law to turn away anyone. It is ridiculous that people have to wait until the last moment to get reactive costly healthcare at an ER when they could have gotten a simple exam and a script for something like antibiotics instead. The healthcare system is assbackwards.

Charities and entitlement programs do not come close to solving the issue of inadequate healthcare in this country. It is ridiculous that a hard working people lose everything because they get sick without does not cover them...or the elderly who cannot afford the delta between enormous cost and Medicare/Medicaid. This country is lacking in liberty when an individual cannot afford to sick. All Americans deserve better!


Well-Known Member
Jobless numbers have to do with rolling momentum. The point is that the downward trend has been slowed, then curbed and now stabilized. The unemployment rate has been steady for the past six months. The last number to recover from recession is employment figures. It is a good sign that numbers are steady. Numbers were higher at the end of last year.

The problem has been getting banks to give out small business loans to get the economy going again. The banks have been scared to take any risk and jobs have suffered as a result.
I don't think this is correct. the unemployment numbers haven't stabilized at all. REAL Unemployment is around 25%, they keep telling us these bogus numbers and people believe it.

The market is NOT the economy.

The banks would much rather the FED payed them for excess reserves at 3% when they borrow the money for 1%. 2% free money is called arbitrage. The banks do not want to lend to small businesses because they will lose their money and after taking in expenses and overhead at todays low low rates they would only make 2% anyway. 2% risky money is not as good as 2% guaranteed money. Anyone with a brain would take the free money over the risky money any day and these bankers aren't idiots. So the problem isn't the banks, its the Federal Reserve and the fact that the banks won't lend is the effect of policy enacted by the FED. The government has NO SAY in what the FED does.

They will print more money and inflate the dollar, that is the only thing they can do. This will kill the middle class and all retirees since they put a cap on SS COLA increases. $100 bread coming to you, and if the government puts price controls on bread, then there will be no bread.


Active Member
I don't think this is correct. the unemployment numbers haven't stabilized at all. REAL Unemployment is around 25%, they keep telling us these bogus numbers and people believe it.

The market is NOT the economy.

The banks would much rather the FED payed them for excess reserves at 3% when they borrow the money for 1%. 2% free money is called arbitrage. The banks do not want to lend to small businesses because they will lose their money and after taking in expenses and overhead at todays low low rates they would only make 2% anyway. 2% risky money is not as good as 2% guaranteed money. Anyone with a brain would take the free money over the risky money any day and these bankers aren't idiots. So the problem isn't the banks, its the Federal Reserve and the fact that the banks won't lend is the effect of policy enacted by the FED. The government has NO SAY in what the FED does.

They will print more money and inflate the dollar, that is the only thing they can do. This will kill the middle class and all retirees since they put a cap on SS COLA increases. $100 bread coming to you, and if the government puts price controls on bread, then there will be no bread.
True, real unemployment (people on unemployment plus people who are not eligible but want to work) is higher. That rate by most economic measurements has leveled as well.

The major point is that unemployment (either measurement) has leveled off. The number are not pretty, but they are slightly better than the last quarter '09/first quarter '10.

I agree that the FED has too much power and is basically an extension of the banking/stock market. I disagreed with how the banks were bailed out by stimulus dollars. I felt that the American people needed direct relief if any relief was going to be given. We gave the money to the crooks who took advantage of an unregulated system which packaged together horrible loans and sold them up the line to Wall Street and other nations. It was a Ponzi scheme bound to fail. So our gov't/business who failed us in the first place bailed one another out at our expense. Those businesses should have failed and we should have bailed out the American people directly. I find that the disagreement with bank bailout is where people from different political philosophies will often agree.

Americans will get back to work only when small businesses start to hire again. There has been decent job creation in the Northeast and other regions but nationwide it is flat...but that is better than downward trend. It is going to be a longer term turnaround than anyone wanted...hopefully the 2010 elections will not slow down a recovery...but I am afraid that the nation will vote against their interests again with a bunch of Republicans. I am not a big fan of the Democrats, but hell anything is better than a Republican these days.