New Member
Well kind sir that is not what I just seems very petty that one could possibly offend someone in an anonymous conversation online could warrant total denial of privileges for anyone....But that is ok as I will be "leaving" very soon anyways...though not for the reason you proposed...but rather due to the immature actions of 90% of this community which proliferates everything here from the noobs to the mods and everyone in betweenLast time I checked, I have a brain that can reason... Perhaps I've changed my mind? Not really, your thread was directed at one mod in particular? I never stated that no one should be banned... I'm in complete agreement with assholes being banned..... Most are temp bans. A time out, if you will. I like the current system as is, of course some banned people that were allowed back and going to come in here and support another point of view, that this is a democracy, and censorship is bad, blah blah blah...
Heard it all before. I'm of the belief that the rules are for everyone. if you don't like them, leave. It is really simple.

also could you please provide what criteria determines one is an asshole? And who would or could be trusted to fairly distribute said control? That is what makes it implausible or have you not noticed the hypocrisy of the drug war? Same mindset causes both