The Beard Thread

Is beards cool?

  • Yerp

    Votes: 36 47.4%
  • Nerp

    Votes: 7 9.2%
  • Shuttup

    Votes: 6 7.9%
  • I have most best beards

    Votes: 24 31.6%
  • My wiener is small

    Votes: 14 18.4%
  • I can't make a beards

    Votes: 6 7.9%
  • Penis

    Votes: 14 18.4%
  • Bagina

    Votes: 10 13.2%
  • Wicked Chopsticks

    Votes: 9 11.8%
  • Antagonist

    Votes: 8 10.5%

  • Total voters
I just came across this.

this is exactly how my beard grows/looks.. only mine only grows in the goatee area, he has more side growth.. I always give up on it at this stage .. bout 1-2 weeks growth..

do you think it would be worth perservering with a beard like this??
My hair .. I keep my hair like buzzed 1.5 around the sides and back and a little extra lenght on top with a bit of wet look gel spikes going on. You get my point with the beard though, it's not a thick full awsome beard, but it's there, and might look decent if i grew it out a bit. more. I have blonde hair to so there is lighter hair there as well which really needs to grow for a lot longer than i give it to make it show. I'm not really to keen on posting my pic on here, but i'll consider posting one in a few weeks if i grow it out a bit, only have about 4 days growth on it atm. The bonus is my gf loves it when i grow it for longer than usual, so its not like i'm gonna be flamed every day, and maybe it actually looks better than i give it credit for.
My hair .. I keep my hair like buzzed 1.5 around the sides and back and a little extra lenght on top with a bit of wet look gel spikes going on. You get my point with the beard though, it's not a thick full awsome beard, but it's there, and might look decent if i grew it out a bit. more. I have blonde hair to so there is lighter hair there as well which really needs to grow for a lot longer than i give it to make it show. I'm not really to keen on posting my pic on here, but i'll consider posting one in a few weeks if i grow it out a bit, only have about 4 days growth on it atm. The bonus is my gf loves it when i grow it for longer than usual, so its not like i'm gonna be flamed every day, and maybe it actually looks better than i give it credit for.