The beautiful human anatomy


Isn't that the truth. Men do hold women back. Well that's how I interpreted it anyway..
Hey how have u been going with your bouts of sleep paralysis? I can’t remember if u said how often it happened. Did u try the smoking right before bed?
I actually have but funny life hates me and my hip is now, well done it's a chronic pelvic tilt that never stays .. in places plus my shoulder so I don't sleep much anymore; not because of my sleep paralysis but now because of pain ahaha but thanks girl; yeah I really have been working on I think and when it happens I stay calm and try not to flip my shit lol
I actually have but funny life hates me and my hip is now, well done it's a chronic pelvic tilt that never stays .. in places plus my shoulder so I don't sleep much anymore; not because of my sleep paralysis but now because of pain ahaha but thanks girl; yeah I really have been working on I think and when it happens I stay calm and try not to flip my shit lol
Shit that really sucks ass!. Does the weed help with the pain or do u find u need meds too?
Yeah that’s the hardest part with the paralysis isn’t it - not flipping out with fear!
The last time it happened to me now was at least 4-5 yrs ago. I’m hoping I finally outgrew them maybe. I always found it happened when I was so overly exhausted and after monster wknd of partying. I don’t party much anymore unfortunately but no more sleep paralysis so that’s a bonus!