The Benefits of Using a Grinder

I love grinders same way basketball players luv basketball shoes Once I started using them I never stopped.

Makes the burn even, i prefer larger holes so I get larger pieces, the grinders with smaller holes make it to dusty for my preference.

I have had a bunch of different ones.

The cheap ones always suck though, they are either really bad at grinding or they are not anodized or they break, some of them even have metal shavings that fall off, dude at the shop showed me some of those. The plastic ones always break.

I like having a few on hand so I can grind several different strains at once. So if friends are over we can all grind their own stuff up and pass it around.
Since I vape regularly now I use my grinder to break my bud up into very fine pieces. This allows for more surface area when heating the buds within the vape. It's all about consistency when it comes to joints and blunts. When rolling joints or blunts the grinder leaves the bud at a finer consistency that burns a lot more evenly than roughly broken up buds. Also you can cherry a bowl of grinded buds better than you can whole nugs in a bowl or pipe so it's definitely better that I don't have to relight constantly.
Grinder is all-important for my sessions these days. Not the approved allotment grinder. The ones mentioned area it grinds, avalanche through tiny holes assimilate a awning that bolt the bud and again a lil alcove beneath that for keif catching. It gets the abounding abeyant out of your bud.
I just picked up smoking again after "5", yes that's right "5" year t break! I never had a grinder but I see that all my buddies do have them and I can see the value in them too (mentioned in this thread). Does anyone recommend a good one out there?
I just purchased a sharpstone grinder 4 days ago and I like it so far, you have too grinder alot to get a little I'm thinking about making a kief box using a wooden cigar box and some screen and a frame that fits inside the box
I was gifted a grinder. it is made out of airport grade aluminum or something like that. it grinds alright, but there is nothing to catch any kief? all of that kief must get stuck inside the grinder and on the grinding pins. then I have to use alcohol and cotton balls to try and clean it or it gets so sticky it gets stuck. so I cannot really what good it is. I think I'm better off using a small pair of scissors to just slice up the buds. at least this way all of the triches are not getting smooshed around and stuck inside the stupid grinder, which I just have to then clean with alcohol cotton swabs and then throw it in the garbage.
I was gifted a grinder. it is made out of airport grade aluminum or something like that. it grinds alright, but there is nothing to catch any kief? all of that kief must get stuck inside the grinder and on the grinding pins. then I have to use alcohol and cotton balls to try and clean it or it gets so sticky it gets stuck. so I cannot really what good it is. I think I'm better off using a small pair of scissors to just slice up the buds. at least this way all of the triches are not getting smooshed around and stuck inside the stupid grinder, which I just have to then clean with alcohol cotton swabs and then throw it in the garbage.

If it is getting gummed up, then get iso alcohol and soak the grinder in that using an implement of some sort to help the process, then just let the alcohol evaporate off and you have a small amount of iso hash :)