The Best! Absolute Best!

Which is the best?

  • White Widow

    Votes: 4 30.8%
  • AK-47

    Votes: 1 7.7%
  • Blueberry

    Votes: 1 7.7%
  • Sour Diesel

    Votes: 5 38.5%
  • Northern Lights

    Votes: 2 15.4%

  • Total voters

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I assumed he lived at home with the folk so couldn't (i know, assumptions are the mother of all fuck ups and the brother of all muck ups) but yes, that is the way it is meant to be done. $500 an ounce to buy or $30 an ounce to grow :lol:
tip top, yeah I see where you coming from with that, so hopefully I can find someone that just grows the shit and can give me excellent deals on it. I'll definitely be cautious with my moves, though and not cause beefs and shit. I try to avoid that at all costs, but sometimes it just goes down like that.

But hey, we all start out not knowing shit at some point, some go on to learn a lot, others just meddle and move on. I'm a learner type. And that's the exact reason, why I'm putting a crew together. Right now, I'm not the most reliable at the moment, but some people I know can drop of a dime cats, so although I won't make as much as if I sell it myself, I'll still get a cut of when they move it.

And Dirtfree, trust me, if I could grow it right now, I'd be on here learning my ass off, but I ain't in a position to do that yet, but trust me, after college is done in August I'm moving on to growing my own shit. I quickly realized that's who really makes the killing.
I assumed he lived at home with the folk so couldn't (i know, assumptions are the mother of all fuck ups and the brother of all muck ups) but yes, that is the way it is meant to be done. $500 an ounce to buy or $30 an ounce to grow :lol:
lol well you can assume, because you didn't make an ass of "u or me", you are exactly right. The very reason I cannot grow or move as freely as I would like.


Well-Known Member
tip top, yeah I see where you coming from with that, so hopefully I can find someone that just grows the shit and can give me excellent deals on it. I'll definitely be cautious with my moves, though and not cause beefs and shit. I try to avoid that at all costs, but sometimes it just goes down like that.

But hey, we all start out not knowing shit at some point, some go on to learn a lot, others just meddle and move on. I'm a learner type. And that's the exact reason, why I'm putting a crew together. Right now, I'm not the most reliable at the moment, but some people I know can drop of a dime cats, so although I won't make as much as if I sell it myself, I'll still get a cut of when they move it.

And Dirtfree, trust me, if I could grow it right now, I'd be on here learning my ass off, but I ain't in a position to do that yet, but trust me, after college is done in August I'm moving on to growing my own shit. I quickly realized that's who really makes the killing.
Hate to burst your bubble but growing is no different than any other job. I put in countless hours of work. It takes money to make money, meaning i have to have my elec cost, nutes, extra bulbs on hand. And in the end i have to sell it where all the risk comes into play. Maybe the market is flooded. In the end I make enough for my and my wifes needs plus enough to sell to cover the cost. Not a killing.

You want to know how to eliminate the middle man? Ya gotta be the man on top!! But it takes starting from the bottom and working your way up! Shit aint easy!!!!
Don't pay anymore than 300 per oz, 1000 per QP
Thank you! Solid numbers, now I know the ballpark and won't be about to get jumped for pitching ridiculous prices.

But Dirtfree, nice way to put it. I appreciate when cats keep it real, cause that's what I need to know. The real deal, and all of ya'll have kept it real. Makes me very glad I decided to join the forum.

One thing that makes me optimistic though, is that I'm in school for Computer Networking, which is hella good money. So between the money I make with that and what I make in the street, it'll have me in a much better position than I am now, which will make it easier for me to make moves. But 'til August, I got to start from scratch and build, like it usual.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
tip top, yeah I see where you coming from with that, so hopefully I can find someone that just grows the shit and can give me excellent deals on it. I'll definitely be cautious with my moves, though and not cause beefs and shit. I try to avoid that at all costs, but sometimes it just goes down like that.

But hey, we all start out not knowing shit at some point, some go on to learn a lot, others just meddle and move on. I'm a learner type. And that's the exact reason, why I'm putting a crew together. Right now, I'm not the most reliable at the moment, but some people I know can drop of a dime cats, so although I won't make as much as if I sell it myself, I'll still get a cut of when they move it.

And Dirtfree, trust me, if I could grow it right now, I'd be on here learning my ass off, but I ain't in a position to do that yet, but trust me, after college is done in August I'm moving on to growing my own shit. I quickly realized that's who really makes the killing.
While i'm not the type to admire someone becoming a dealer this young, i'm me, you're you, we all have our reasons (i' looking at becoming a freeman of the land so i can lawfully grow cannabis, so i'm not one to talk haha) but i respect you for not growing in your parents hosue against their will or knowledge.

As you say, hopefully going to a grower direct is the way to do it, but i've been smoking many years and i've only once managed to get weed once straight from the grower, and that was for very unlikely reasons. Never gotten ounces at £110-120 since. Now it's always £160 mates rates with a "like family" guy else £180-200 elsewhere.

Just to say, i think it's a tad taboo on these baords to talk about the process of selling and whatnot, so i've advised you on getting the best deal or whatnot, but i'll leave it here :D I've jsut been given a warning for being a tad unsavoury (i was truthful, but still a touch out of line) so just want to play nice :)