The best advice you ever got?


Well-Known Member
I can get a good look at a T-bone by sticking my head up a bull's ass, but I'd rather take a butcher's word for it.

Anyone say that yet?


Well-Known Member
Life is just a phase you’re going through…you’ll get over it

It may be that your sole purpose in life is simply to serve as a warning to others

Never do anything that you wouldn’t want to explain to the paramedics


Good things come to those who wait. Also I learned you have to take risks in life to be successful. As far as growing the best advise I got was to water and wait two days until next watering.



Well-Known Member
I have advice. When stoned, read directions on cooking food twice. I once put a small microwave pizza in for 24 minutes instead of 2.40 with the intoxicated logic of "well, when I order pizza it takes that long before I get it so that must be right"

half an hour later the kitchen is filled with black smoke, the pizza is a black coal and the plate I nuked it on is broken in half in the microwave.


Well-Known Member
my parents played this at night for me when i was a kid.
not exactly advice but im happyer in life thanks to it and am sure as hell playing it to any possible future kids. . . it aint all doom and gloom.
thar you go


Well-Known Member
Attempt not to look into the kitchen of chinese restaurants.

We once peeked as a waiter walked through the doors and saw something skinned on a table, too big to be a cat, and obviously not pig or chicken.