What has STONEWALL JACKSON got to do with the Koran?
Pathetic argument...
why did you see fit to use a Christian reference (BIBLE)
What has STONEWALL JACKSON got to do with the Koran?
Pathetic argument...
True Christians do not go around with pride and a powerful mindset.. they are humble and forgiven.. far cry from any political part on either side, when campaign season starts even the "Most Christian" parties are out for blood.
why did you see fit to use a Christian reference (BIBLE)
Exactly what Sect of "Christianity" persecuted those scientists? Catholic.. and why?.. they feared anyone learning something they themselves did not teach to their congregation including the Bible itself..
Other "Christian" religions are just as bad... west boro claims to be Christian as well.. while spreading hate..?
Because he was a religious fanatic
with equal belief in CHRISTIANITY and SLAVERY.
The Bible endorses slavery and genocide.
Should I not mention it because you choose to follow your parents indoctrination rather than open your mind to truth?
The Bible endorses slavery and genocide.
How do you know this?Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Idolatry etc... are all better than nihilism.
As for my day to die, there is no time, they are all the same sans arbitrary names. It doesn't matter but I can share something with you about death I have learned. This is how it sounds right before you lose consciousness you get this buzzing (I can tell you what causes it but it doesn't matter)...
Not the verses just the maelstrom of voices that creates a buzzing, welcome death and the light begins to appear as the buzzing gets louder until you realize if you step into it you will evaporate. That's as far as I've been.
How do you know this?
i wish this thread would die...lol
more like an angry old fart in a young body.
It's really very sad. How happy can you be when you are that angry. I know I'm having to put a lot of shit down here lately and RIU, and pot, has helped immensely with that. So I try to understand but wow it hurts so bad to carry that shit around with you. But I would like to take a moment and say thanks to everyone at RIU who puts up with me as I keep working shit out.
So I do hope for the best for him too.
Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Idolatry etc... are all better than nihilism.
As for my day to die, there is no time, they are all the same sans arbitrary names. It doesn't matter but I can share something with you about death I have learned. This is how it sounds right before you lose consciousness you get this buzzing (I can tell you what causes it but it doesn't matter)...
Not the verses just the maelstrom of voices that creates a buzzing, welcome death and the light begins to appear as the buzzing gets louder until you realize if you step into it you will evaporate. That's as far as I've been.
Cool I'm prepared sounds like a DMT trip.
Does it? I don't think I've taken DMT. I have to say think because in my youthful exuberance I had a bad habit of being handed a drug and simply swallowing it without asking names etc... That was what led to my drinking datura. I'd like to say that's when I began to question what people were suggesting I swallow but that would be a lie.
Does it? I don't think I've taken DMT. I have to say think because in my youthful exuberance I had a bad habit of being handed a drug and simply swallowing it without asking names etc... That was what led to my drinking datura. I'd like to say that's when I began to question what people were suggesting I swallow but that would be a lie.