The Best Day to Die?

True Christians do not go around with pride and a powerful mindset.. they are humble and forgiven.. far cry from any political part on either side, when campaign season starts even the "Most Christian" parties are out for blood.

They're so humble that they believe they're the only group who know the truth
and everyone else will burn in Hell.

The only difference between the average Christian and the Westboro Baptist Nutters is a question of degree.

The level of extremity is the only variant
because what you call faith
is really the thoughtless acceptance of unproven things
(Extremely improbably unproven things).

Judeo Christian Theology has been the cancer of Human development.

Darwin had to hide his discoveries because of fear for the Church.
The French linguist who deciphered the Rosetta Stone hadto hide his discoveries
because it proved that the Churches stance (on an earth that was 4000 years old) was wrong.
Gallileo had to retract his astronomical findings because the Church threatened to burm him at the stake.

You're fucking unbelievable - but, luckily, your day is over
You are now becoming little more than anachronistic oddities

Like a bearded lady or some other freak.
why did you see fit to use a Christian reference (BIBLE)

Because he was a religious fanatic
with equal belief in CHRISTIANITY and SLAVERY.

The Bible endorses slavery and genocide.

Should I not mention it because you choose to follow your parents indoctrination rather than open your mind to truth?
Exactly what Sect of "Christianity" persecuted those scientists? Catholic.. and why?.. they feared anyone learning something they themselves did not teach to their congregation including the Bible itself..

Other "Christian" religions are just as bad... west boro claims to be Christian as well.. while spreading hate..?

All CHRISTIANS were CATHOLIC up to very recently.
Don't try the denominational blame passing.

The Protestants did as much damage as the Catholics - when they got the power.
Because he was a religious fanatic
with equal belief in CHRISTIANITY and SLAVERY.

The Bible endorses slavery and genocide.

Should I not mention it because you choose to follow your parents indoctrination rather than open your mind to truth?

and you brought up a such a CURRENT Christian religious fanatic over any other religion fanatic to start a thread to mock what religion?
The Bible endorses slavery and genocide.

and your 100% free from any over sight yourself? no gov in England?

[h=1]slavery[/h]   Use Slavery in a sentence
[h=2]slav·er·y[/h] [sley-vuh-ree, sleyv-ree] Show IPA
noun 1. the condition of a slave; bondage.

2. the keeping of slaves as a practice or institution.

3. a state of subjection like that of a slave: He was kept in slavery by drugs.

4. severe toil; drudgery.

1545–55; slave + -ery

Related forms pre·slav·er·y, adjective, noun

1. thralldom, enthrallment. Slavery, bondage, servitude refer to involuntary subjection to another or others. Slavery emphasizes the idea of complete ownership and control by a master: to be sold into slavery. Bondage indicates a state of subjugation or captivity often involving burdensome and degrading labor: in bondage to a cruel master. Servitude is compulsory service, often such as is required by a legal penalty: penal servitude. 4. moil, labor.
Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Idolatry etc... are all better than nihilism.

As for my day to die, there is no time, they are all the same sans arbitrary names. It doesn't matter but I can share something with you about death I have learned. This is how it sounds right before you lose consciousness you get this buzzing (I can tell you what causes it but it doesn't matter)...

Not the verses just the maelstrom of voices that creates a buzzing, welcome death and the light begins to appear as the buzzing gets louder until you realize if you step into it you will evaporate. That's as far as I've been.

Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Idolatry etc... are all better than nihilism.

As for my day to die, there is no time, they are all the same sans arbitrary names. It doesn't matter but I can share something with you about death I have learned. This is how it sounds right before you lose consciousness you get this buzzing (I can tell you what causes it but it doesn't matter)...

Not the verses just the maelstrom of voices that creates a buzzing, welcome death and the light begins to appear as the buzzing gets louder until you realize if you step into it you will evaporate. That's as far as I've been.

How do you know this?
more like an angry old fart in a young body.

It's really very sad. How happy can you be when you are that angry. I know I'm having to put a lot of shit down here lately and RIU, and pot, has helped immensely with that. So I try to understand but wow it hurts so bad to carry that shit around with you. But I would like to take a moment and say thanks to everyone at RIU who puts up with me as I keep working shit out.

So I do hope for the best for him too.
It's really very sad. How happy can you be when you are that angry. I know I'm having to put a lot of shit down here lately and RIU, and pot, has helped immensely with that. So I try to understand but wow it hurts so bad to carry that shit around with you. But I would like to take a moment and say thanks to everyone at RIU who puts up with me as I keep working shit out.

So I do hope for the best for him too.

Same here. This site, and the people on it, have been and are a boon and a gift.
Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Idolatry etc... are all better than nihilism.

As for my day to die, there is no time, they are all the same sans arbitrary names. It doesn't matter but I can share something with you about death I have learned. This is how it sounds right before you lose consciousness you get this buzzing (I can tell you what causes it but it doesn't matter)...

Not the verses just the maelstrom of voices that creates a buzzing, welcome death and the light begins to appear as the buzzing gets louder until you realize if you step into it you will evaporate. That's as far as I've been.


Cool I'm prepared sounds like a DMT trip.
Cool I'm prepared sounds like a DMT trip.

Does it? I don't think I've taken DMT. I have to say think because in my youthful exuberance I had a bad habit of being handed a drug and simply swallowing it without asking names etc... That was what led to my drinking datura. I'd like to say that's when I began to question what people were suggesting I swallow but that would be a lie.

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to futant again.
Does it? I don't think I've taken DMT. I have to say think because in my youthful exuberance I had a bad habit of being handed a drug and simply swallowing it without asking names etc... That was what led to my drinking datura. I'd like to say that's when I began to question what people were suggesting I swallow but that would be a lie.

I'd say "chances are against". Ayahuasca seems to be more of an affectation for/of this millennium. Outside of its traditional range, anyway. I've never dared fuck with oral DMT, what with I could smoke it ... heeeeWACK.
Does it? I don't think I've taken DMT. I have to say think because in my youthful exuberance I had a bad habit of being handed a drug and simply swallowing it without asking names etc... That was what led to my drinking datura. I'd like to say that's when I began to question what people were suggesting I swallow but that would be a lie.

My 5 MEO DMT experience didn't really smooth out until I consciously decided I had lived a good enough life and accepted it was going to kill me, once i let go and accepted it, things started to go smoothly. but yes all DMT experience starts with the auditory hallucination of buzzing. Brocas Area is lit up like a 4 alarm fire when one is on the drug so for many many people the buzzing becomes voices accompanied by visual hallucinations of words and symbols.