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Yoooo that light we ordered a few days ago the 23 or 33 dollar one, both mine came today and they are NICE! Very heavy feeling and very bright. Can’t believe it. Looks unreal. Thanks again!

also to the guy who wondered if you can just run one board yes you can. There’s two plugs. One for each board.
Probably want to at least tape up the other dongle end if you only plug one in. Crazy deal for 23 dollar, got mine today as well.
Probably want to at least tape up the other dongle end if you only plug one in. Crazy deal for 23 dollar, got mine today as well.
I don’t know why folks are wanting to run one board only. Different strokes different folks. I plan on using both boards. I wish I could buy ten of these. I seriously would. Is the coupon still active? How can I get more? Doesn’t work on ole lady or my phone anymore.
The same vendor Bozily for the 2 piece 200w light (discount code expired) also has a 4 piece 400w version with a $50 clipable coupon making it $109 for the 400w version. Just search amazon for Bozily BP4000 LED Grow Lights
Absolutely insane deal for these smaller lights. Even at the 109 for the big boys….. I paid 800ish for a HLG 600r and feel like 4 of these 23 dollar lights would compare very well. Two of those hundred dollar ones…. Man.
I don’t know why folks are wanting to run one board only. Different strokes different folks. I plan on using both boards. I wish I could buy ten of these. I seriously would. Is the coupon still active? How can I get more? Doesn’t work on ole lady or my phone anymore.

I was just wanting to run one board in different areas of the same closet. My closet has ~1400 watts of LED and HPS. I am running these to fill in the gaps so to speak
You’re a champion for putting all these deals out here Marq ! I paid $23 and some change for that 185w red bozily light and it’s an unbelievable value. My tomato plants are going to get a running head start before they go outside this year :)
This deal will working for others? It says the promotion has ended when I hit the link.