The Best Deals Thread. Post Best Deals And Lowest Prices Links

As fro the 400 watter i get i have had one and i got my 600 from there as well they are niether cheap nor troublesum if he got it off of e-bay as i did i have never had one go bad on me but i do switch out the factory bulb for a better one when ever possible and i have used the factory when i had to..Some people pay outragious prices for shit when it is not neccessary so shop around my friends shop around!!
dont forget plantlightinghydroponics .com ... thats my people and a 54 lb carbon filter to the door was only 130usd. unbeatable on some items , normal on others.

good deals on glass pieces to smoke from

I love how rileius str8 jacked cranker's "deal" lol coulda at least threw in a: "in cased ya missed this post like 3 posts ago here's a link to a online headshop that's not too pricey...."

but anyway thot that was funny, and since I fuckin HATE IT when someone posts on this thread w/o actually posting a deal, here's a lil sumthin sumthin.....

or this one's a lil different:

Treegator Junior Pro 15-Gallon Slow Release Watering Bag for Trees and Shrubs
Buy new: $26.99 $21.11

11 new from $15.18 1 used from $16.99
But either one would be good for next years outdoor grow.
Dr Growright 3w 4band
$270 150-240w

$380 220-350w

This is the cheapest best setup you can buy. The ballast is dimmable and has the super lumens feature which adds 10% more lumens. Its a little more than what you were going to spend(about $25) but if you go this route you get the cool air tube reflector and the super lumens adjustable ballast. If I was you I`d spend the extra $25. Hope this helps.
I have bought 2 different times from this ebay store and there main store. aeg supply. They are cool dudes.
hello figured my first post should be useful so i found this sight pretty useful lol they got a large selection and i have orderd some led bulbs from thim and got them pretty quick the led bulbs seem to be working pretty decent im from the states with limmited space so these seemed like they was a good option to for small grow if any one has any feed back on them it would also be appiciated
7 band from htgsupply

381-400----------------- start of visible light spectrum. Process of Chlorophyll absorption partialy begins. UV protected plastics block light below this range.
401-520 nm------------ This light includes violet, blue, and green bands. Peak absorption by chlorophyll occurs, and strong infuence on photosynthesis occurs. (PROMOTES HEALTHY VEGITATION)
521-610 nm------------- This range includes green yellow, and orange bands, and has less absorption by pigments.
611-720 nm------------- This is the red band. Large amount of absorption by chlorophyll occurs, and the most significant influence on photosynthesis. (PROMOTES FLOWERING & BUDDING)
721-1,000 nm---------- There is very little to no absorption here. Flowering, and germination is slightly influenced on the low end, at the high end of the band is infrared which is heat.

Growing Plants with LEDs | Mihaela Lica
Paid 146.90 shipped. works great so far! Same package as yours basically. I need those Jiffy Pellets! ;-)

CHECK OUT THIS FUCKING AWESOME DEAL!!!!! <!!!F-ING AWESOME DEAL!!!> Ive been looking for a deal on a 400 Watt HPS Grow light and boy did I find one, only this one runs MH and HPS and can you believe the price, ONLY $145 + $11 Shipping, If you can find a better deal than that on a 400 Watt Selectable HID Grow Light W/Digital Remote Ballast, cool tube and good user reviews I'll send you a bottle of TakeRoot and a box of Jiffy Pellets. I know what your thinking, whats the catch, it must be shitty quality, well that's what I thought until I read the reviews. I'll be clicking "Add To Cart" on that baby next week, unless I or someone else finds a better deal in the mean time but I highly doubt it, lol.
