the best seedbank

Mr.Therapy Man

Well-Known Member
Opium is sweet and easy to grow,It forms huge colas qiuck I kept a more Indica mother I wished it was the sativa but both have huge yields of top shelf meds.I also have greenhouse trainwreck,there turning blue.I getting new seeds in a couple weeks I will have to put the clones up.I put 45 into flowering this week, all trainwreck.I currently have opium,Mandala#1, trainwreck,Pot of gold.just days from harvest.


Well-Known Member
i bought 5 short riders from Nirvana through worldwide mj seeds, and not a single fucking one of em germed....

i got my other order tody from seedbay. i won a auctoin of lowryder seeds and got another 5 free pure power plant seeds. i sent my order today to try that worl wide seed and ordered 1 jack flash#5 . if i get that order im going to be in heaven and order more.

LAX Skunky BwS

Well-Known Member
they have to deliver to the u.s. and have a fair price on their seeds i dont really care about the price i just dont wanna pay over 200 for 10 seeds so anywhere will pretty much work for the price.. i just wanna know on prior experience which seedbank you think is the best and has great genetics in their seeds, i was gonna buy some from elite then he got busted(fucking snitches).

Brick Top

New Member
It is really difficult to claim any one seedbank to be "the best." There are a number of very good seedbanks that are totally reliable and what can make one "the best" to one person will not make the same seedbank "the best" to another person.
Not all seedbanks carry the same breeder lines so regardless of how good one or some seedbanks are if the one or the others do not sell what someone wants and another reliable seedbank does then to that person that seedbank will be "the best."
If I were to list those that through both experience and research tell me are in the group of those that could be called the best they would, in no particular order, be.
Attitude Seeds:
Hemp Depot:
Hemcy Seed Company:
Worldwide Marijuana Seeds (also called The Single Seed Center):
All are reliable trustworthy seedbanks to do business with and all ship to the U.S.

Brick Top

New Member
Nirvana is cheap n reliable so far but having a hard time germing my short rider autoflowers right now..

Part of the criteria for being "the best" was the seedbank has to ship to the U.S. Nirvana does not ship to the U.S., that is unless something has changed recently that I have not heard of.
Nirvana gear can be purchased through various seedbanks but Nirvana would likely be the last or at least one of the very last breeder lines that I would recommend to anyone purchasing beans.
Ever since the Internet hit the little berg I live outside of and I began to hang around sites like this I have never read as many complaints about any breeder’s line as I have about Nirvana. I would not even begin to consider anything from the Nirvana line regardless of how much some people do praise Nirvana.
The problem is Nirvana has people, shall we call them contractors, make their beans for them. Because of the number of different people making Nirvana’s beans there is little to no quality control. One person may purchase something and it may in fact be fantastic. Then two others will order the very same strain and in one case it will at best turn out to be decent and in the other it will be worth little more than compost.
Also for people who do live in countries that Nirvana will ship to I have read and been told by people I met that if you complain Nirvana will play hardball. I have read and been told stories of people complaining about receiving partial orders or incorrect orders and when they asked Nirvana to rectify the problem a common reply was that Nirvana had the person’s personal information and if they continued to complain the information would be passed on to the person’s local authorities.
There are to many truly quality seedbanks to do business with to bother or risk doing business with or buying through another seedbank beans of well-known dubious quality and a seedbank that will threaten to rat you out to the law rather than rectify their errors.


Brick Top

New Member
i bought 5 short riders from Nirvana through worldwide mj seeds, and not a single fucking one of em germed....

As I said in a previous message Nirvana has a well-known quality control problem, their beans are of dubious quality at best.
No seedbank that sells Nirvana gear can rightly be held accountable for Nirvana’s lack of quality control.

For that fact no seedbank can rightly be held accountable for a lack of quality in any breeder’s line. Seedbanks purchase what breeders produce and then resell them. They are not accountable in any way for either high quality or a total lack of quality. Both and anything and everything in between rests at the feet of the breeder and the breeder alone.
Far to often growers will purchase low quality beans that either have a very low germination rate or lack vigor or in the end turn out to not even be half close to what they were claimed by the breeder to be but then the grower/customer/buyer blames the seedbank they purchased the beans from rather than blame the breeder who produced near worthless or worthless beans. At least you were not one of those who blamed the seedbank and instead fully understood who was responsible, that being Nirvana.
Also people always need to keep in mind that the advertising copy found on any seedbanks site about every breeder’s line and every strain in their line came from the breeder. It was not the work of the seedbank so if there was any misrepresentation involved it was done by the breeder and not the seedbank.
A quality seedbank will most times stand behind what they sell but some or most in fact do have limits as to how far they can and will go depending on the situation.
In the case of dealing with Nirvana the number of horror stories I have read and heard over many years is way more than is needed for me to know I could never feel comfortable doing business with Nirvana either directly or indirectly.


Well-Known Member
It is really difficult to claim any one seedbank to be "the best." There are a number of very good seedbanks that are totally reliable and what can make one "the best" to one person will not make the same seedbank "the best" to another person.
Not all seedbanks carry the same breeder lines so regardless of how good one or some seedbanks are if the one or the others do not sell what someone wants and another reliable seedbank does then to that person that seedbank will be "the best."
If I were to list those that through both experience and research tell me are in the group of those that could be called the best they would, in no particular order, be.
Attitude Seeds:
Hemp Depot:
Hemcy Seed Company:
Worldwide Marijuana Seeds (also called The Single Seed Center):
All are reliable trustworthy seedbanks to do business with and all ship to the U.S.

and seedbay are good one with free 5 seeds and i get them i live in california