The Big 18 Wheezers' 2012 Organic outdoor.

well I guess I was given bad info yesterday, the paper clarified it today. The judge DID rule on the temp restraining order, and it wasn't in our favor. The A.S.A. local chapter dropped the ball IMO. Anyway, the next hearing is on the 26th of June, but it's a preliminary injunction hearing which could,but not likely halt it there. It's gonna come down to the law suit now, which will prolly be a while. Long story short, I'm FUCKED for this season. I called on a property rental up north an spoke to the owner for likie half an hour on the phone, and it sounds like I'm moving again. It's not gonna help me much this season, but maybe I'll be set for next year. This rental is not too far from a friend of mine property where I could throw some plants this year, but it's gonna be a major pain in the ass this realy sucks to be me right now!
fuckkkkk wheeezer my bad to hear that man!!! hope u still get a chunky harvest at ur boys!! which u will!!! :)
it just sux i no what u mean man i wish u could come grow over here but my backyards only 30 ft by 30 ft! hahah
good luck with ur next hearing to!!! stay high wheeezer!! peace
Thats complete shit man Im really sorry to hear that.... Really enjoy your threads... Good luck in the future
RIP Wheezers Outdoor Thread :(
I don't know if its been posted any where else but. I found out Wheezer has passed on from his fight with Cancer a few days ago. He will be missed..
With respect to your friend tmb did you ever get a chance to try wheezers Vulcan?
Sorry to hear bout someone I didn' know but waa respected by ppl I do know
Wheezer I didn't know that you had passed away until this morning.

I am deeply saddened by this information.

You were one of the good ones.

Until we meet in the after life. Rest in peace bro.