The Big 6 (Wheezers Outdoor 2011 Grow)


Well-Known Member
Mighty fine bro! Things are looking fabulous

How's the worm's up there?

I found my very first little one today! We are getting nice cool temps this weekend, and I'm gonna spray for mites 1 more time in the evening, and come back the next morning and hit em' with BT again too. Hopefully, it'll be enough cause they're not bad at all.


Well-Known Member
Wheezer...looks like my neck of the woods. Is your base soil called Cal Gold, because it looks like what I used. I'm very happy with it.
Denali Gold is what I used as half my base mix. It's the pile in the first few pics. I use that and Manna Mix 50/50 to start, and go from there. It takes care of your humus needs for the season, but I add some Denali Gold Alaskan humus (bagged) to my teas.


Well-Known Member
I'm going to give mine a thorough inspection tomorrow morning.. I still have yet to find one, do you think I should spray em one last time or just leave them? I'm getting paranoid lol. Beautiful pics wheezer!


Well-Known Member
IDK man I thought all that spraying I did worked but I got em' anyway. Oh well, it's always something, and there;s always losses on outdoor grows, so it's expected. I would wait and see if I was you though.


Well-Known Member
IMG_3885.jpgIMG_3884_00.jpgIMG_3886.jpgIMG_3889.jpgIMG_3887_00.jpgIMG_3888_00.jpgIMG_3892.jpgIMG_3883_00.jpgIMG_3890.jpgWow these things are gettin' fatter every day now! The crystal production is off the charts for having a month to go yet, I'm real happy with the way they're lookin'.
I found a couple more baby worms today...WTF.....I don't think they're gonna be much of an issue, but I'm gonna spray with BT Friday when it's nice and cool. I don't think I'm gonna re-spray for mites cause I can't find a live one anywhere....I'm sure they're are some, but not enough to hurt at this point I don't think.


Well-Known Member
I sprayed for worms and mites this morning. Nice morning for it. Highs today in the foothills is low 80s!!! That's what I'm talkin' about!
The Romulans have done their usual thing and doubled in bud size in less than a week. They're really moving now.


Well-Known Member
Switched over to spinosad myself, seems the worms wern't ingesting enough BT to kill them. Bet we found over 5 hundred on the three (3) medi plants. So far the other strains are looking clean and worm free.


Well-Known Member
Holy cow! 500?! Well, I will be prepared for next year. Got my bug zapper and will spray sooner.


Well-Known Member
Switched over to spinosad myself, seems the worms wern't ingesting enough BT to kill them. Bet we found over 5 hundred on the three (3) medi plants. So far the other strains are looking clean and worm free.
I was thinking of doing the same, is it working better for ya yet?


Well-Known Member
I lost 1/2 my Medi to worms!

Azatrol seems to be working pretty good for me now, since I started spraying twice a week.

I'm seeing much less worm damage now, and any worms I find are tiny newly hatched.

I think a fogger is worth $200 imho



Well-Known Member
yea I'm still thinking about it, but I'm still pretty happy with my hose end sprayer. It's easy to use, and works really good.
I was down at my this grow the other day, and the property owners son was there when I got there, spraying for worms with a pump sprayer. He had been there for over an hour, and only got 4 plants done, and they weren't sprayed up top at all. I went down to mine, loaded up my sprayer, hooked it up, sprayed all 6 of mine ill they were dripping, used almost the whole 8oz, unhooked, and was done, and he still was on #5 when I was getting ready to leave, and he asked to borrow it of course. He called me later and said he finished the rest of his 12 in half the time he was already there. Sold him!


Well-Known Member
I lost 1/2 my Medi to worms!

Azatrol seems to be working pretty good for me now, since I started spraying twice a week.

I'm seeing much less worm damage now, and any worms I find are tiny newly hatched.

I think a fogger is worth $200 imho

Azatrol is mainly an IGR (insect growth regulater), (if I remember right)and I'll bet that's why it took a while to get em under control with it. Do you usually see alot dead after you use it, or does it take a while? I've never used it, but it seems like I remember reading, at least part of the label somewhere.


Well-Known Member
I don't seem to see any dead ones now. Only tiny live ones.

Any dead worms were around the damaged parts. I haven't found any large worms lately.

So I think regular spraying makes them sick before they get big enough to do any damage

Azatrol has a 'deterant' element also & it might be keeping some moths from even laying eggs.



Well-Known Member
IMG_3961.jpgIMG_3982.jpgIMG_3964.jpgIMG_3968.jpgIMG_3960.jpgIMG_3976.jpgIMG_3978.jpgIMG_3966.jpgIMG_3983.jpgIMG_3965.jpgIMG_3974.jpgIMG_3970.jpgIMG_3977.jpgIMG_3972.jpgIMG_3975.jpgIMG_3971.jpgIMG_3981.jpgIMG_3967.jpgIMG_3979.jpgIMG_3973.jpgI forgot to throw these up earlier. I snapped a couple more bud shots while I was worm hunting this morning. I can't help but want to take pics everyday now, they're pretty!!


Active Member
Switched over to spinosad myself, seems the worms wern't ingesting enough BT to kill them. Bet we found over 5 hundred on the three (3) medi plants. So far the other strains are looking clean and worm free.
I used the spinosad in the hose end sprayer and it worked really well for me. Used it once a week for 3 weeks and all I was finding after the 1st spraying was little worm jerky's

Porky B

Well-Known Member
Wheezer your buds are looking very sweet and healthy!

From what I can see - it doesn't look like you need to worry too much more about feeding. Your entering the home stretch.

all I was finding after the 1st spraying was little worm jerky's
Worm jerky's - hahaha. That really made me laugh!

"Hey, whats this in the trail mix?"
" don't wanna know!"