The Big LaBudSki


Well-Known Member
The Big LeBudski

There is a little town in Arizona called Globe. It is an old mining town founded in 1875. Its main industry now is tourism and it is a pretty old run down western town. With a population of 7500 the old bowling alley stood empty for 15 years collecting dust and Heroin needles from junkies using inside the abandoned building. Working with Eli of BD holding who secured funding for the project and who holds our state license to produce through Sky Dispensary. The old bowling alley was purchased and we made the journey to City hall to ask permission to grow cannabis commercially, The was some resistance from the locals but in the end everyone knew that 30 new jobs would make a huge difference in the towns economy and our permit was granted. Other than genetics my role in this was bringing Eli who grew my gear and Wlliam Rouland the man who put this deal together and funding all the contracts needed to grow cannabis in Arizona. The building will produce strains created by me and well as Kyle Kushman, OGraskal and others created a super brand. We received a permit to grow unlimited Cannabis for the next decade.


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next decade.

Eli worked his ass off everyday for the last 90 days using local labor and contractors to renovate the space. It will start with 4 large growing rooms 10000 sq ft total and house a full kitchen, hash production lab, office space and breeding area for me to create in. The office and kitchen have glass doors so we can monitor quality and promote using social media. The cannabis will be grown in Super Soil and as close to organic as possible our goal is the best possible quality. It was an honor to get invited up once a week during construction to watch this epic facility unfold. Watching the old wooden lanes come up was a trip. These has been set aside to make board room tables and counters around the facility.

We had to sign a deal with the power company to get the 2200 amp upgrade we had to promise to actually use the power if they ran all the wire. A $80.000.00 Fire hydrant was needed the cost was the pipe all the way back to the main. How much air-conditioning will be needed to grow cannabis indoors when its 125 outside? 45 Tons slightly over sized so we can expand Eli doesn’t miss anything. Custom pavers and a media wall and even an old AMF sign from the bowling alley will be apart of this amazing build.


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Will myself and his wife Victoria drive up almost weekly to check on the progress and OMG its amazing what has taken place over the last few weeks. A massive wall incircles the place. Floors are polished and awaiting fixtures the video wall is wired and ready for the multitude of monitors.

The front area has been almost approved and the growing will start in that area and expand into the main room and veg room as the seedlings grow up. I have an amazing library of older Subcool colabs and creations that I plan to germinate and we will hunt certain strains by the thousands.

We traveled up to the Facility again on Thursday on a bright cool day, the ride up is always so exhilarating between the climb up the mountain and the excitement of seeing what work has been completed since the last visit. Eli met us and showed off his new Video security wall where he will monitor the building from multiple monitors and camera angles. The glass office is still the center piece but the massive grow rooms almost finished with floor drains and massive 2000 gallon reservoirs mounted up over the doors that will gravity feed all 4 rooms. One really cool touch is that some of the lanes were used to make desk and counters in Eli’s office.


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The storage containers have been installed that we will start our seedlings and clones in and just in time I have done my job and secured some legendary clones from my library. Exodus Cheese, Tiny Bomb, Bloodwreck, Jacks Cleaner are in house and ready for production I am not sure any other facility will produce not only “Cheese” but Cheese hybrids I have created like Lemon Stilton. Our Light pole got installed and the automatic doors for each bud room are expected next week. As I type this I think the spray foam is going on. Once that is completed, we can fire up the AC and load in some plants.

Behind the scenes my Partner William Rouland spends countless hours researching packing and labeling. I wanted to break away from the normal and use Hemp Plastic and get away from industry standard glass and plastic lids but after much research believe it or not there is not a good alternative to sell Extracts in which I assume is why other larger companies have not tried a hemp plastic jar and lid there is simply no good source. And the way we store our garbage even it doesn’t break down. Working hard Will have come up with a series of labels for each of the featured breeders that make up the genetics pool at the facility in Globe.


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I have not made an entry in this article in some time as it seems time has slowed up in Globe but the finish line is getting close, here is where we stand on 4/20.

The building is 95% finished and the air conditioners have been set and tied in. DHS wont even step inside until the entire building is operational. Its bizarre to see giant rooms completely let up all reflective and mold resistant anti fouling drywall and no plants but we are at the mercy of the city officials so Eli plugs along meeting deadlines and getting ready to fill the rooms with cannabis. We will start a large amount of The Dank seeds and start hunting for the best phenotypes as soon as we get an occupation permit.

That’s the story so Far


The Weed Nerd


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The storage containers have been installed that we will start our seedlings and clones in and just in time I have done my job and secured some legendary clones from my library. Exodus Cheese, Tiny Bomb, Bloodwreck, Jacks Cleaner are in house and ready for production I am not sure any other facility will produce not only “Cheese” but Cheese hybrids I have created like Lemon Stilton. Our Light pole got installed and the automatic doors for each bud room are expected next week. As I type this I think the spray foam is going on. Once that is completed, we can fire up the AC and load in some plants.

Behind the scenes my Partner William Rouland spends countless hours researching packing and labeling. I wanted to break away from the normal and use Hemp Plastic and get away from industry standard glass and plastic lids but after much research believe it or not there is not a good alternative to sell Extracts in which I assume is why other larger companies have not tried a hemp plastic jar and lid there is simply no good source. And the way we store our garbage even it doesn’t break down. Working hard Will have come up with a series of labels for each of the featured breeders that make up the genetics pool at the facility in Globe.
I was trying to find BloodWreck. I don't know if it was out of stock or discontinued?
We will start a large amount of The Dank seeds and start hunting for the best phenotypes as soon as we get an occupation permit.

That's quite a story and I'm glad you shared it with us. You must be getting very close to moving some plants in by now. I hope everything works out great for everyone involved with this huge project. Now, I know you'll be looking to cash in on the emerging medical market, but keep on creating those unique, dank ass strains with lots of THC and the "old school hippies" will be there to support you as well. I realize that you don't travel around the country these days, but should you ever make your way to upstate NY, just look for a short, Italian looking guy with a long beard. Sometimes in early autumn you can find him squatting down near the back side of a large bush with a stick hanging out of his mouth. :peace: :joint:
That's quite a story and I'm glad you shared it with us. You must be getting very close to moving some plants in by now. I hope everything works out great for everyone involved with this huge project. Now, I know you'll be looking to cash in on the emerging medical market, but keep on creating those unique, dank ass strains with lots of THC and the "old school hippies" will be there to support you as well. I realize that you don't travel around the country these days, but should you ever make your way to upstate NY, just look for a short, Italian looking guy with a long beard. Sometimes in early autumn you can find him squatting down near the back side of a large bush with a stick hanging out of his mouth. :peace: :joint:
Kind words my friend and thank you for the invite.
