The big switch, HPS to LED

I sure things have changed a lot since I grew in Humbolt back in the 80's but still not sure of the need for any type of grow light there since it is one of best outdoor grow locations on the planet.

Maybe for seedlings and starts but even those were done easily enough in a hot frame and greenhouse under natural light.
That all comes down to When and What your growing.
Don't forget about Coastal Fog and PM
Not all of Humbolt and the North Coast is a magical gardening paradise. I can't even grow good tomato crops at my location outdoors ;)
I asked you nicely but NOPE you had to push. Let this sink in bro... I DONT KNOW SHIT ABOUT CLONING. I never said i was GOD'S gift to growing but i will be FUCKING damned i sit here and let you belittle me. You wouldn't do that to my face and i don't like your over powering personality on my own fucking post. Be nice or fuck off

It's all good brother cloning is easy as shit tbh, exacto knife on a 45, cut off all leaf below top node, 5"-7" size, put into water after cut and when ready you dip into aloe vera plant filet and then into rooting medium rapid rooter, jiffy puck etc. Keeping under a dome speeds up rooting but as long as you keep the medium moist it will eventually root. All organic no need for garbage expensive rooting hormones just a aloe vera plant.
Can you tell me more about this heat stressed pant seed developing technique of yours?
God damn bro i have to laugh. You gave me good advice and i respect that. Dont treat me like a kid or try and make fun of me. We BOTH know you wouldn't be sayin negative shit if we were face to face. I made it clear i many back posts. Go and look see what i was saying
hissy fit
John... May i call you John? Let ne be crystal clear. I appreciate your knowledge and sharing your experiences with me and trying to help. I do. I really appreciate that. But one man to another. Your FUCKIN communication skills suck balls. Know thats my advice to you. Work on that shit. Yes i will work on my growing technique but bro you people skills SUCK
I'm getting to learn about this roll it up app I've been growing for 15 years already. When I heard people like me I'm going to get hit on are knocked out I stand my ground I got mad cuz I like to see them try. It won't happen and excuse me if it got me mad but I got artillery and infantry. My bad I'm out and I'm going to smoke this blunt
I'm getting to learn about this roll it up app I've been growing for 15 years already. When I heard people like me I'm going to get hit on are knocked out I stand my ground I got mad cuz I like to see them try. It won't happen and excuse me if it got me mad but I got artillery and infantry. My bad I'm out and I'm going to smoke this blunt
Hey bro sounds like you smoked enough. Gi to bed
You probably know this but Nortenos are an Hispanic gang from Northern California. He's insinuating that he packs heat and has backup in the form of fellow gang members. They wear the color red and sometimes black. They like the number 14.
It's Hispanic and yeah I seen Brothers 2 but when we go to the Pen we connect
I sure things have changed a lot since I grew in Humbolt back in the 80's but still not sure of the need for any type of grow light there since it is one of best outdoor grow locations on the planet.

Maybe for seedlings and starts but even those were done easily enough in a hot frame and greenhouse under natural light.

I agree. Things sure have changed since the eighties when Portland was flooded every year at harvest time with skunk weed from Humboldt County. That stuff just stunk. We'd wait for that stuff every year.
Hey my bad hashman my comments weren't directed to you it was to Johnny
Well bro you need to pay attention who and what you say to people. Lets just say we were at the club and you said the wrong thing to the wrong person. In my world you either get your ass beat or worst case scenario you get shot. Yep your life could end that fast. Seen it happen bro. Just be know one thing and thats that you NEVER know who your standing by. I NEVER run my mouth or start shit unless i know exactly whats going on and who its with. Thats being real. One guy to the next tip.
Well bro you need to pay attention who and what you say to people. Lets just say we were at the club and you said the wrong thing to the wrong person. In my world you either get your ass beat or worst case scenario you get shot. Yep your life could end that fast. Seen it happen bro. Just be know one thing and thats that you NEVER know who your standing by. I NEVER run my mouth or start shit unless i know exactly whats going on and who its with. Thats being real. One guy to the next tip.
I feel you bro. Seen it with my own eyes before the top was never intended for you though . Still learning this app and how messages goes my bad though