The Bigger The Buds The Better


Well-Known Member
reckon keep the feeding simple, can feed up 2 2 weeks b4, plenty of time yet.if u dont know what seed you r dealing with then its hard 2 say if u should put in 12-12 but im all for experimenting,my next 1s will b in veg for 4 or 5 weeks. i was going 2 pollinate if got male but so far nothing doing m8, bloody amazing ne other time i would h8 2 av 1, may b the thc bomb will b a boy.


Well-Known Member
na i cant see any problems commin mate its 12/12 all the way now so it should be cool i aint really put any fertz in untill the outher day so not gona need to grow rooms clean no bugs... slight bit of wind burn but i can deal with that... it aint that much bother...

but jus wondering what happend to you're plants??
jus to be on the safe side lol


Well-Known Member
shouldnt be a problem mate this shit is stinking smells real nice i wana snap the stem off and eat it...... mouth watering shit:mrgreen::mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Buds look awesome UK, I'm getting really jealous - all you guys are flowering and budding away and I'm still counting pre-flowers LOL. You're gonna get some sweet smoke off those girls - great job you've done mate ;) Catch you later ...


Well-Known Member
Hi UK, how's it going mate. I see you haven't been on for a while either. We've all gone very quiet LOL. Hope everything is OK with you and your girls. Catch you later ...


Well-Known Member
hey guys sorry i been away so loong my computer went on the blink jus got it fixed!!
my plants turned out ace man was a nice little smoke dunno how much i lasted a few days... prtty good as i smoke 24/7 so im happy chappy got a new grow goin down now will slap some pics up soon..

wtf has happend to my account its messed up!!