The Bigger The Buds The Better


Well-Known Member
Hey, cool beans then - if it works it works. Just making the point that it's, from a growing point of view, no different than a normal incandescent bulb. You can flower under an incandescent bulb too - it'll work, but it may not be ideal, that's all. Can't argue with big buds, though, eh? I'm interested to see how it works out.


Well-Known Member
lol na i didnt intend for that to be rude mate if it sounded it lmao im stoned tryin to type doesnt always work out for the best lol but yea man no probs i'll show you how it goes the outher main reason im using it is because it gives off heat so i can keep my outher grow box warm theres a clf in there also man so i aint jus gona go for that purple bulb cause its not bright enough but it would be ok for one plant as i said but not enough for 2 thats how pants itis so yea in away you're also right about crap light it gives off...............


Well-Known Member
Ah, that makes good sense - it would make a decent heater, that's for sure, and it does add a bit of red to the mix. It's an unusual bulb to use, that's the only reason I mention it. They are marketed as "full spectrum" as well, and are the type of thing that may be misleading because they really aren't a true full spectrum bulb. Anyway, seems you've got everything under control, man, never mind my prattling on :lol:


Well-Known Member
ok i just found all my pics buched up so here they r in order ish.... to this day



Well-Known Member
lmfao that looks so good.... and jay mate lol its cool man i see where u was commin from bro and honestly mate nice one for you're imput either way buddie:joint::mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
lmao tell me about it they still babies and they aint gona stop growin for ages yet lol its gona be a dense forest....!!


Well-Known Member
might have to let a few sit around for a while in anouther box while the space is being used...


Well-Known Member
Hi UK what You up to? Love the series of pics, they're coming along really nice. Good job mate ;) You really are in for a forest LOL. What about that light you got, did you decide to give it a go? Catch you later ...


Well-Known Member
well the 600w is a fukn beast man its soo bright i dunno if i should use it!!! i gota move a shelf out of my grow room then it will be ok to have it on but my 200w gives them sunburn... so i dread to think what would happen if i used the 6 now! i'd come home to crisp plants lol but yea man alls good bro aint had no probs wid me plants theys lookin not to shabby... and what about you're plants mate still ok are they?? you should try n update more!! not like me cause im just mad for weed.. lol but try and keep me upto date bro i love seein plants on the grow and you got beasts!!

The new ballast pics



Well-Known Member
Hi UK. I'll know who to contact if I'm short of Christmas lights this year LOL! Seriously though looks like a nice light mate. Just be careful it isn't too strong. I don't see why it should be a problem as long as you can get enough distance from the leaves and keep the temp down etc - you see people using 1000w and all. And it's not as if you only have one or two plants LOL. Yeah sorry I haven't been good at updating, but I did one last night - couple pics of my "GIRLS" - yes looks like my Cinammon are girls. See Catch you later man bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
hey greenb they are lookin real good bro n those femi plants are lookin real nice dude.. i have had one problem with a plant i have no idea what caused it.... one leaf looks like its see through...... any ideas and sunburn i thought but i got plants 10x bigger in the same place so i dunno what it is.


Well-Known Member
Hi UK, how's it going. Sorry to hear about your transparent leaf. Not sure what that could be. Is it the entire leaf that looks like that? If so it might just be a mutant leaf LOL or one that hasn't developed properly for some reason. Or if it's only part of the leaf or transparent blotches then that can be caused by larvae between the leaf layers eating the inside of the leaf away. Sometimes if you hold a light behind the leaf you can actually see the larvae inside. If you think that is what it is then best to remove the leaf and burn it, otherwise they will eventually emerge and start eating everything in sight, and they will breed too. Also some fungae can cause transparent spots or blotches. Again best to get rid of the leaf in case it spreads. Let me know what you find ;)


Well-Known Member
omfg ok i put my 200w light on waited for like 10 mins had a look to see what it looked like and its dried up and turned to fukn sunburn again wtf is goin on its like one of the smallest plants in there and it gets it!!!!! well i dunno how the hell thats done that i checked all my plants over it the only one with it i think i got anuva snowman greenb lol fukn white plants!!:lol:


Well-Known Member
Shit man I don't know - maybe it's just really sensitive. Could just be genetics or something, I mean for this particular plant. A mutant - call her "Frosty" LOL. As long as it's the only one at least you know there's nothing serious to be concerned about. Just keep your eye on them anyway ;) Catch you later man :leaf:


Well-Known Member
lmao monkey didnt really read anything did you... lol!! you jus looked at the last posts lol.

no mate not close at all i got like 6 plants 10x the size so i have no idea no nutes either!! so you're guess is as good as mine:shock:


Well-Known Member
if you look at my grow pics on page 5 see the plant in the orange pot thats the bitch wid sunburn see how small she is i havent a clue at all...


Well-Known Member
Well UK, how is she today - any improvement? It's really weird how she's the only one with any problems. I reckon she's just a weakling or a mutant or something. Maybe she just came from a dodgy seed. I bet if you take good care of her though she could end up being the best plant you have LOL.