So is she going to try and explain herself or something? What was the point of announcing her return? Is she reformed? Why did she post fake pictures?
I agree... why post fake pictures?
this is the only thing about the internet that I don't like.. is the fact that people try to be something that they are clearly not. You know what I'm saying?
I've never tried to say I was something that I wasn't.. rather it be online or in real life. I guess its because I'm not fucked up in the head.. like most of the online
Or it could be the fact that I'm happy with who I am.. and I know who I am. With my psychology (4 years worth) classes... I can tell you that, the people that are posers online.. are the people who either don't like themselves for who they really and truly are, or, they don't know who they are.. you know what I mean? In other words, they have to come online and pose as something that they clearly aren't.. in order to substitute the negative feelings that they get, from not knowing who they really are. They're usually the people who have low self-esteem and a terrible 'self image' of themselves. They don't see themselves as being 'popular'.. or they don't receive enough attention out in the real world, so they have to come online and pose as something or someone that they aren't.. in order to compensate for those feelings of low self-esteem and the feeling that they don't like themselves.
Anyhow, yeah.. I highly doubt that picture is really her. Highly doubt it.