I thought doctors were to be compassionate, caring, polite, thoughtful, respectful......not rude, bossy, stuck up...a king, yes but not a doctor. I guess I'm too old fashion. In a way I'm glad my life is half over with, if this is what the future holds, ugh
I thought doctors were to be compassionate, caring, polite, thoughtful, respectful......not rude, bossy, stuck up...a king, yes but not a doctor. I guess I'm too old fashion. In a way I'm glad my life is half over with, if this is what the future holds, ugh
If go to a real hospital with real doctors, typically you'll experience this. With out of the way clinics and people with a masters degree only you get bob
Regardless of the burden of the possibility of opposing politics, would you not expect to treat and be treated with similar respect? I'm definitely witnessing a double standard here.
It's fine to not like someone, or what you 'think' they stand for, but to relentlessly press and insult..... Expect to get gnawed on yourself, in kind or greater.
Now I'd like to make a friendly suggestion to all o you pissed off know-it-alls (self included) check out Guy Noir, private eye. It's on the radio right now. Aww, it just ended but it'll be on sun
Its been 30 years but now I recall being in ICU for a few days and those doctors would snap at the nurses. I remember one doctor almost yelling at a nurse when she put some lotion like neosporin on my cut lips twice and not once a day as the doctor instructed...the doctor told the nurse in not too nice of the way that twice a day can keep the area too moist and that can cause an infection to happen....people always think more he better he continue.....that doctor was the one to get me out of ICU..cause then I spoke up and complained about having some blood on me and how I wanted a bath or a good cleaning..and his response was, what is he still doing in ICU and order me out of there and into the general area.
Maybe thats how the doctors speak to the nurses while they are in training and this Dr Bob is just treating us like we are in nursing school and need to be trained