The Books!


Active Member
(hitting a bong)

OK. Thats better. One of the reasons why I love smoking so much is because the realization of possibilities. I think thats why I get indecisive sometimes when Im high, because there is just so many Goddam things you can do!

But not being much of a tv person, one of my favorite things to do when high trying to kill time is read a good book. Im not talking about RL Stein type shit either i mean a good fuckin read that you can't put down.

Some good authors IMO: aldous huxley, Hunter s thompson, Chuck palahniuk, Jack kerouac, william burroughs...

Im reading the adventures of Sherlock Holmes right now actually, (Thats a must if you havent read it btw) And the story telling is almost too perfect for being high. The perfect mix of narrative / dialogue.

ANyways im rambling , who do you think are good writers/what are some good reads:leaf:?
I disliked bless me ultima.

but then again i wasn't high and it was assigned reading for a class.

I did read the entire "Jack Ryan" series of novels by tom clancy.

I also own them all.
I disliked bless me ultima.

but then again i wasn't high and it was assigned reading for a class.

I did read the entire "Jack Ryan" series of novels by tom clancy.

I also own them all.

Whats that about?
set in New Mexico in the 1940s, young Antonio becomes obsessed with questions about destiny, life and death, and good and evil. When elderly folk healer Ultima moves in with Antonio's family to live out her last days, Antonio turns to her for guidance when he loses confidence in parental viewpoints and Catholicism.