The BubbleHead Gang

It's good!

Motto - Is that where we allow personalization? I'm thinking of the logo is in essence our flag and we can attach anything you like as long as it's positive or funny or both.

I've seen JB's but remembering is the hard part. LOL!
This is why your president, i agree with you we should be here to help other as others have done for us. Remember never take it personal and if we cant help try and push them in the right direction.

I kinda have a motto of my own when giving advice: never give advice that could potentially do harm (at least without stating that it may cause harm).
it's good!

Motto - is that where we allow personalization? I'm thinking of the logo is in essence our flag and we can attach anything you like as long as it's positive or funny or both.

I've seen jb's but remembering is the hard part. Lol!

good point to mc, we should just let everyone personalize there own as long as its postive
OK, seems we agree on the logo or avatar or signature of

and you can add what ever motto or words youw ant to add to it, to customize it and make it yours
and we agree on purpose of being peaceful advisers with NO DRAMA, especially helpful to fellow BubbleHeads

Any objextions
OK I think we have decided that we like the current logo or badge and it's fine if you personalize it with own motto or whatever.

Rose, I think your motto is where we want to start. Does anyone have a burning desire to add a couple of things that might help us keep focused on how we, as a group, want to do this?
Hey - I like everything I've read. Cool. I too like the motto. I really like MC's thoughts on how we should act and treat each other. I think the group is 98% the way we all want it to be right now. We're just going through a "formal" phase right now. Just need to articulate what's going on.

I think it's great
Hey - I like everything I've read. Cool. I too like the motto. I really like MC's thoughts on how we should act and treat each other. I think the group is 98% the way we all want it to be right now. We're just going through a "formal" phase right now. Just need to articulate what's going on.

I think it's great

I 'm trying to give out REP + here.

And one goal is we stand up for each BubbleHead, support and help adn lift up each and every BubbleHead
I nominate Mostly Crazy as Leader, any 2nds?

What will we give our leader as title?
CEO ? President? Chief BubbleHead? Sponge Bob? LOL
I always forget about rep. I'll try to do better at that. What does rep really do anyway??

I give out rEP when I see any post I like,a dn I think that is the norm. The more REP you display, the more helpful you have been and REP is like a badge of honor here on RIU