The BubbleHead Gang


Active Member
My PH rose to 7.0 again from 5.7 yesterday morning, and the leaf tips are downturned again as well as morerust spots. This is getting very irritating. Should I go ahead and drain, flush again, then fill the res with 5.5 plain distilled water and let it run for a few hours, or do I need to go get Flora Klean? There is white foam at the surface of the water, could that be left over H2O2 that's fucking with me?
Purp is right man just try to keep things simple. When you start doing complicated things it can get fustrating and confusing and all the while your just stressing out your plants.


Well-Known Member
My PH rose to 7.0 again from 5.7 yesterday morning, and the leaf tips are downturned again as well as morerust spots. This is getting very irritating. Should I go ahead and drain, flush again, then fill the res with 5.5 plain distilled water and let it run for a few hours, or do I need to go get Flora Klean? There is white foam at the surface of the water, could that be left over H2O2 that's fucking with me?
What kind of water you using,Distiiled,RO,TAP? What nutes?


Well-Known Member
I started with 100% Distilled the first 2 weeks, I'm using half distilled half tap now. Fox Farm nutes. I think I was over supplementing cal-mag and got locked up. I have what looks like to me PH fluctuation burns all over the fan leaves.


Active Member
I would have just stayed with distilled rater then tap. You have no idea what the heck is in tap water. I use RO water and its always at 5.0


Well-Known Member
Sorry guys, I should stop bitching in this thread and open one in plant problems...I'll do that later today if I have anymore questions.

Paranoid, I was using the tap waterto try and buffer the PH.


Active Member
Its all good brother thats why this thread was created so you can get help straight from the bubble heads and not the haters you see in other areas here. We are a freindly and helpful community always willing to lend a hand on any subject.


Well-Known Member
Sorry guys, I should stop bitching in this thread and open one in plant problems...I'll do that later today if I have anymore questions.
If you can use distilled water,i would,just that,Theres no ppm and it makes a difference when adjusting ph and adding is what it is,,if you lower the ph to 5.0..its stayin at 5.0..It doesnt fluctuate byitself like tap water until you put it in the res.
I keep a mixing tank..a lil bigger than the usiong tapwater with a ppm of 500..i add 6 gallons in the tank and 5ml. of down per gallon,that brings it to 5.8 everytime,well i know its gonna rise a lil so i lower it to 5.0..wait a day or two and its at 5.8-6.0(PERFECT)..then i add my nutes and have no troubles


Well-Known Member
If you can use distilled water,i would,just that,Theres no ppm and it makes a difference when adjusting ph and adding is what it is,,if you lower the ph to 5.0..its stayin at 5.0..It doesnt fluctuate byitself like tap water until you put it in the res.
I keep a mixing tank..a lil bigger than the usiong tapwater with a ppm of 500..i add 6 gallons in the tank and 5ml. of down per gallon,that brings it to 5.8 everytime,well i know its gonna rise a lil so i lower it to 5.0..wait a day or two and its at 5.8-6.0(PERFECT)..then i add my nutes and have no troubles
See I can't Ph the water first then add nutes because it would drop even further...what nutes do you use?


Well-Known Member
Fox Farm. Hydro Grow big, Big Bloom, Tiger Bloom. Just the first two right now though. I add my nutes to each gallon jug, then ph, then add it to the res.


Elite Rolling Society
I pH my water first, then add the nutes, but my nutes are pH balanced and contain buffers.


Elite Rolling Society
When they announce the first frost is coming, is what she goes by. She cuts them a day or two before they will die anyway. She leaves little sticks sticking up, but really cuts them mostly away.


Elite Rolling Society
BubbleHeads have something to brag about.

We are a bunch of pretty fart smellers!

Opps, I mean pretty smart fellows.

BubbleHeads are a cesspool of information on hydroponics!



Well-Known Member
Roseman, do you mind listing the nutes you use supplements and all. I want to be on the same page as you guys.