The BubbleHead Gang


Well-Known Member
they look nibbled on, middle of the plant some on top mostly in the middle though. now i see yellow dots on the leafs. real small dots and a couple of tips aroud the edges. only a few but nothing crawling around wtf is going on? btw i get my fly traps at walmart.


New Member
If it in the middle I'd would look toward the plant base. Whatever it is is running up the main stalk. Some sort of aphid? Obviously still cluesless on my part! Perhaps an insectidical soap is in order. Check under the leaves. I'm only going from my tomato experience. No bugs so far in any of my grow (knock on wood!)


Well-Known Member
Best place to buy fly paper? Lowes, grocery stores, drug stores, and dollar stores all don't have any but I want to have some fly paper.
Hardware stores are usually best. I got mine at Lowes. Its just not that easy to find. They are in small tubes about the size of a half a roll of quarters. They also have fly sticks that are about 10" long and come in a box. If you have a menards, they also carry both. If you find the bug bombs, you will find the fly paper.


Active Member
Hardware stores are usually best. I got mine at Lowes. Its just not that easy to find. They are in small tubes about the size of a half a roll of quarters. They also have fly sticks that are about 10" long and come in a box. If you have a menards, they also carry both. If you find the bug bombs, you will find the fly paper.
The No Pest Strips from Lowes (i'm sure they are available in other places) seems to work great too. Just another option for everyone.



Well-Known Member
Just got home from wal mart picking up the supples for my new low profile dwc bubbler for rooting clones. Ill post contstuction pics when im done. I have to stop by the hydro store and get some small net post but thats all I need to get.


THanks everyone i changed the res and ph balanced it. they are doin just fine now no more burn and they are shrugging it off like it was nothing. I am using the stealth hydro grow nutes.


Well-Known Member
Just got home from wal mart picking up the supples for my new low profile dwc bubbler for rooting clones. Ill post contstuction pics when im done. I have to stop by the hydro store and get some small net post but thats all I need to get.
man I wish I had a local hydro shop. Closest one is about a hours drive.


Well-Known Member
hah, well very nice. Who know there might be a hydro store somewhere around here. But i haven't found it. Maybe I should start one up :)


Well-Known Member
yeah it is nice to have one close by for when your in that pinch and need something now. I got a little story here I thought Id share. so when I first found this forum and started learning about bubbleponics I was pretty sure that was what I wanted to do. well I started checking out some of the dro stores within reasonable driving distance. I found one in a neighboring city that had just opened. the owner had a successful dro store out in vegas but when our state past the medical laws he moved back to here and setup shop. when I went in there ofcoarse he didnt have very much in stock as he was waiting for inventory to arrive. anyways he asked if I was looking for anything special and I said that I was looking for something like a small bubbleponics setup. he had no clue what I was talking about and we got into discussion about the system. he found the info that I gave very interesting and said that he would have to look into it as it sounded like what a lot of people were looking for as far a size and simplicity for the personal indoor guy. well about four months go by and just the other day I was indulging while watching my local news they had a special about how the new med laws were boosting our economy. sure enough they interviewed that guy and he showed the SH kit and was giving the ol sales pitch on how it was so simple and the rapid growth and all. I blew my hit and broke out in laughter. I was like that guy didnt even have a clue until I told him about but thats cool Im glad to see his buisiness is thriving now and now I got somewhere to get parts for the system if I need them now. as soon as it aired my cousin that went with me that day called and was like man did you see that.