The Bubblehead Showcase


Active Member
I have seed pop! 14 hours after the water dunk. Most of the Sannie Jack, a few of the Pandora's box and a couple of the LSD. Putting them in a humidity dome with the spongepots with bacto I received free from Sannie tonight.

Fire all or your guns at once and head into space! Like a true nature's child, I was born, born to grow wild! LOL! I like smokin' lightning!

Lucky dog, I'm smokin some of the nastiest seediest shittiest brick shit this side of the rio grande! All my money went into my grow haha! Oh well. soon...:mrgreen:


Active Member
ok I just checked my grow and I think I saw male preflowers on the plant that is on the far left. I'm gonna let it go a few more days to be sure but if it is a male what should I do? The roots are both growing together very tight. I don't want it to pollinate all the other fems but I don't want to kill the other plant in the process of removing the male.



Well-Known Member
ok I just checked my grow and I think I saw male preflowers on the plant that is on the far left. I'm gonna let it go a few more days to be sure but if it is a male what should I do? The roots are both growing together very tight. I don't want it to pollinate all the other fems but I don't want to kill the other plant in the process of removing the male.
try to get some up close pics of the nodes for us.


New Member
Stylez, When you find a male and are sure it's a male the root issue is easy. Get all the male root you can and you can cut up to 1/2 the roots off the other plants with almost no effect. In fact, I'd had times where the root trim actually stimulated new growth. Be brutal with the male. I add mine to the oil pile. Have no idea if it does any good. Potency of the male is strain dependant but I'm not throw anything away that might be good.

I know I use male leaves sometimes and if a receipe calls for an once of leaf I load it with 1 1/2 oz. Worse that could happen is I get really, really, stoned and that ain't half bad! LOL!


New Member
She's budding up nicely Dys! Starting to get the " I'm going to get really nice, heavy and dank look"

Looks like theatre in the round with Clapton playing and they just got their Bics out!


Well-Known Member
This is my soil comparison to Bubbleponics. The soil plant sprouted more than a month before the bubbleponics system's clones were started. Also, this is the strongest soil plant i have ever grown and my first attempt with any kind of hydroponics.



Elite Rolling Society
Join up with us.

SpongeBob Squarepants grows hydroponically!

He grows with tiny bubbles, just like you and me!

We ARE Family,
We are The BubbleHeads!

If you want to learn from the greats,
PurpDaddy, Mostly Crazy, Bongtok4u,, db297, JonnyBtreed, Southern Grower, HomeGrown Hairy, ACGrower, MajPat, tSunami13, BlueyBong, Paranoid420, LongHornFan, SmokeNchoke, hubebaba, peterman990, xpac7007, Dystopia, chnk915, and hundreds of other skilled bubbleponic growers, then learn from THE BUBLEHEADS.

If you can teach DWC and Bubbleponics, am willing to help the new members here, and want to be part of a family, then join us.

Show your logo, show your pride, and show your intelligence and ability to do what most people can not do and that is grow Hydroponically with Feeder Tubes and a Water Pump!

We're not Dirt Bags!
We are The BubbleHeads!!!!!


We are NOT DirtBags!!! We can grow in water!

Right click the BubbleHead Logo, save it to your computer, then upload it to your signature.

By adding this bubblehead Logo to your signature, and claiming membership to the BubbleHeads, you agree to be very helpful to Newbies with DWC and Bubbleponics with patience and caring and make all other BubbleHeads proud to be a member of the gang. If you do not know the answer, go get someone else from the BubbleHead Gang to help.
Send this invitation to anyone you like and be sure that they know DWC and Bubbleponics and are willing to help newbies.

May the Bubble Force be with us all.
God Bless our Chief BubbleHead, Mostly Crazy!

The BubbleHeads are dedicated to helping others learn to grow in water, simple, fast and easy.

Helpful links:

BubbleHead Logo Post # 10672

CFL Tutorial -

What is Bubbleponics Post # 9835

8 Step Recovery Post # 9838

Start Nutes - Drain and Replinish # 10395

10 Days, 12 days, 15 days, 20 days Post # 9

Temps, Humidity Post # 8491


Roseman and purpdaddys guide for my Bubbleponics setup from Stealth Hydroponic

Roseman's DIY Bubbleponics-DWC Tutorial
BUBBLEHEADS know how to grow!


Active Member
try to get some up close pics of the nodes for us.

damn pictute doesn't come out clear but yeah I am fairly sure it is a male its got some little nubs at the nodes like a flower wants to come out but no pistils. Oh well I got me three more clones of the female indica on the right so I'll just keep going from there for now. thanks anyway though bud


Well-Known Member
This is my soil comparison to Bubbleponics. The soil plant sprouted more than a month before the bubbleponics system's clones were started. Also, this is the strongest soil plant i have ever grown and my first attempt with any kind of hydroponics.

Nice grow. I'm on my 1st bubble and my 2nd grow. My first was in an Aero Garden, which I got a 6ft plant out of. Do you race that vette in your avatar? Cool lookin ride.


Active Member

Look like you are on the verge of overnuting. What nutes are you running and at what level? Also look like they could benefit from some extra humidity. The raised leaf parts tell me so. You can hang a wet t-shirt or towel in the area to raise the humidity as a low tech solution.
Hey thanx for the tip i smashed out the wall and made is doubble the size and got the RH upto 35% but strugling to get any better cleaned out and made up new batch of nuts ( floramicro flora grow ) and it is looking a fair bit better heres sum new pics thanx heaps for the heap

Regards Ree0004



Elite Rolling Society
Sponge Bob lives under the sea,
He grows with tiny bubbles,
just like you and me.

He is a BubbleHead too.