The Budologist's 2012 Outdoor Grow (TGA Forest)


Active Member

5'10" at it's highest point!

I swear this thing grew a foot while I was gone.

TimeWreck is an amazing strain. Mine are so much more vigorous than anything else in the garden right now. Yours looks dope!


Active Member
So my Qleaner was a male.... I wanna cross it but should with RB or Chernobyl? I have some other stuff besides TGA going... THC Snow, Dready Berry, Peacemaker, and Pineapple Express... bt im not too sure if I wanna cross these precious genes with the others... any suggestions because I really do want the Qleaner to be in everything! You guys know Subcool better than i so I know I can get some good suggestions....

Peace, Love and Greens! :weed:


Well-Known Member
.....assuming most growers buffer their soil is using dolomite lyme.......adding plenty of Calcium, and Magnesium in the worries.....


Well-Known Member
i dont add any lime until the soil is to be reused. sub states not to add extra lime for more ca mg. i think oyster shell is the easiest way to get more ca in the soil. and you cant really over due it. i wouldnt add more k mag than sub either. i get lots of mg from foliar.