The Budologist's 2012 Outdoor Grow (TGA Forest)

smell is typically deciding factor during selection for me. like with the regulator kush (unique fruity) cant wait to see what shes all about. this rom really wants to flower. its pre-flowering hard. and ive had it under 24/7 light since i got it. i need to get it out of that 1 gal. take some clones and flower her.. ive noticed shes way darker than my other plants that have been in 1 gals for a while. wondering if its the soil i used or if the rom is a weak feeder.
Amazing trees Bud! Didn't realize you had so many different strains runnin' killed it! Happy Harvest!
Howz the Grape stomper taste? 2 GG strains i've got had it all but lacked flavor. Does the flavor disappoint?

grape stomper Dom has a nice mild sweet flavor and the og Dom has a really strong OG funk flavor with a bit of sweetness.

if on a scale from 1-10 on flavor, romulan is a 10 and the GSOG are both aroun 7-8
Just had a huge unexpected down pour for about 5 minutes, like someone up in the sky dumped a bucket of water on us.

Ran next door and got the Alien OG covered with a huge umbrella, everything else outside is just budlets so I'm not worried about those, I'm sure they will dry out.

Its just barely sprinkling now, hopefully when I wake up everything will be dry.
ya i had some mold on a massive cola of alien og. it was shaded by a much larger purp d. morning dew wasnt drying out. use your blower in the am.
glad to hear it's all coming down smoothly for ya. Be sure and let me know as soon as you get theresults on that Rommy, I'm dying to find out. The TW too.
Just had a huge unexpected down pour for about 5 minutes, like someone up in the sky dumped a bucket of water on us.

Ran next door and got the Alien OG covered with a huge umbrella, everything else outside is just budlets so I'm not worried about those, I'm sure they will dry out.

Its just barely sprinkling now, hopefully when I wake up everything will be dry.

Haha crazy, we got that too over the hill here in Santa Cruz!! I ran outside covered up my motorcycle all my firewood and my ladies, and as soon as I finished the rain stopped!! How was the weather today? I heard you guys had some hail storms and 60 mph. winds?? Supposedly a storm is headed from your way tonight, we will see. You'd better start chopping or get some fatty umbrellas!!!