The Bush Strikes Again!


New Member
Bush says feds can open mail without warrants!!!!!!

President Bush has "quietly claimed sweeping new powers to open Americans' mail without a judge's warrant,"
the New York Daily News writes this morning.
When he put his
signature on a postal reform bill on Dec. 20, the newspaper notes, the president added a "signing statement" that "declared his right to open people's mail under emergency conditions."
The key phrase in that statement:
"The executive branch shall construe subsection 404(c) of title 39, as enacted by subsection 1010(e) of the Act, which provides for opening of an item of a class of mail otherwise sealed against inspection, in a manner consistent, to the maximum extent permissible, with the need to conduct searches in exigent circumstances, such as to protect human life and safety against hazardous materials, and the need for physical searches specifically authorized by law for foreign intelligence collection."
According to the Daily News, legal experts say the president's claim is "contrary to existing law and contradicted the bill he had just signed."
White House spokeswoman Emily Lawrimore, though, told the Daily News that "in certain circumstances -- such as with the proverbial 'ticking bomb' -- the Constitution does not require warrants for reasonable searches."
Word of Bush's action follows revelations last year about the National Security Agency's so-called warrantless eavesdropping on telephone and Internet communications.

Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to greater danger."
-- Herman Goering at the Nuremberg trials
It's not rocket science, He's starting a dictatorship! Remember the Nazis, 6 million jews later, It could be us!


Active Member
my god,i never imagined having a president that is so content on stomping all over peoples rights and freedoms.what the hell could he be thinking ?:confused: :confused: :confused:


Well-Known Member
Well that's all well and good, but just because the president says it's OK doesn't make it legal.
If a president makes an executive order, he has just committed an act of treason by virtue of the fact that he has circumvented congress.
Now Just because congress passed the patriot act and even the senate ratified it, does not make the law constitutional.
If this were taken to court, that provision should be thrown out. Due to the fact that it is unconstitutional. And I'm sure before too long someone will challenge this in court, and may have to take it to the Supreme Court.
I'm sure that with the new congress and senate, they will be taking a look at all of this.


New Member
"And I'm sure before too long someone will challenge this in court, and may have to take it to the Supreme Court."

That's exactly right, Dank. And we can be thankful that Bush has appointed a couple of constitutionalists to the USSC during his time in office. Opening the citizen's mail without a warrant flies right into the face of the Fourth Amendment ... "Secure in their papers and effects."




New Member
"And I'm sure before too long someone will challenge this in court, and may have to take it to the Supreme Court."

That's exactly right, Dank. And we can be thankful that Bush has appointed a couple of constitutionalists to the USSC during his time in office. Opening the citizen's mail without a warrant flies right into the face of the Fourth Amendment ... "Secure in their papers and effects."


Wait, wait, you've just got through posting how G.W. is the greatest President ever, and all the good you think he's done and now you're turning on him, did a light just come on or are you being funny. I might say Wishy-washy!


New Member
Funny? Wishy-Washy? Neither one, Med. It's obvious that either you don't read my posts, or you have a very hard time comprehending them. So, for the record ... again ... I will restate my case:

There are very FEW points of agreement that I have with president Bush. Among them are: The tax cuts, the Supreme Court assignments and taking the War on Terror to the Middle East. I don't agree with the president on some things too. Among those are: His open border policy and his lack of a veto pen. Get it now, Med?




New Member
Funny? Wishy-Washy? Neither one, Med. It's obvious that either you don't read my posts, or you have a very hard time comprehending them. So, for the record ... again ... I will restate my case:

There are very FEW points of agreement that I have with president Bush. Among them are: The tax cuts, the Supreme Court assignments and taking the War on Terror to the Middle East. I don't agree with the president on some things too. Among those are: His open border policy and his lack of a veto pen. Get it now, Med?

Scuuuuuuuse me! Just a memo: The "war on terror" is Bullshit, It's a war for profit! Terror is a state of mind fomented upon us by our own government!


New Member
Scuuuuuuuse me! Just a memo: The "war on terror" is Bullshit, It's a war for profit! Terror is a state of mind fomented upon us by our own government!
According to, you're right. According to those who are leading the Islamic extremists, you're wrong. Listen to what THEY are saying, Med.



New Member
According to, you're right. According to those who are leading the Islamic extremists, you're wrong. Listen to what THEY are saying, Med.

Here's a clue, the extremests all hate us because of our foriegn policys. We show our superior attitude all over the world, through our CIA agents to our TV shows. The extremests don't hate individual Americans, they hate our Government, much like we do, only for better reasons. Tell me Iraqis don't have a reason to hate us, first we support Sadam and give him WMDs and then we attack him for having WMDs after he had already got rid of them. They probably think our Government is Nutz, and they are exactly right. This Government is a front for American Corporations world wide. Anyone with at least 20-50 vision can see that, hell Ray Charles could see that!


New Member
Of COURSE the rest of the world hates the United States, Med. And why wouldn't they? After all, we have:

1. Defeated Nazi Germany freeing millions of people from Hitler's totalitarian state and gas chambers.

2. Defeated Imperial Japan freeing millions in Asia from the chopping block of Japan's totalitarian government.

3. Defeated the Soviet Union freeing up hundreds of millions of people throughout Eastern Europe.

4. The American taxpayer, through their government, have been the most charitable people in history, bar none.

So, with all the above foreign policy blunders, why wouldn't they hate us?



New Member
Of COURSE the rest of the world hates the United States, Med. And why wouldn't they? I think you've seen the light. If you can get past the sarcasm you'll see why they hate us and it's not for your sarcastic reasons!


New Member
Sarcastic reasons? Yer right ... I forgot the Berlin Airlift. That kept hundreds of thousands of Eastern Europeans from starving to death. Just one more reason to hate Americans.



New Member
Sarcastic reasons? Yer right ... I forgot the Berlin Airlift. That kept hundreds of thousands of Eastern Europeans from starving to death. Just one more reason to hate Americans.

Maybe you forgot, but I was there in '61' and can say it was political saber rattling. We brought the food in and everyone was saved, Bullshit! England, holland, france, west Germany, and a few other countries had a hand in that action and yeah it helped the Berliners, and they were very thankful. Too bad we've lost sight of helping people and are hell bent on raping and pillaging their resourses!


New Member
Yep ... the U.S. is raping and pillaging the AIDS victims in Africa now with monetary aid. Another reason to hate Americans.



New Member
Yep ... the U.S. is raping and pillaging the AIDS victims in Africa now with monetary aid. Another reason to hate Americans.

try Diamonds and other ore in Africa, Oil in rhodesia, Oil in most of sub-saharan Africa, Iraqs oil, Chinas labor, a lot of poor countrys labor market, the list of unjustices is long and harsh. US corporations are plundering the resourses of the world so a few rich fat mostly old white men can swill scotch and smoke cigars in their castles! Aren't we a site for the world to see. I'm glad I saw you in person so I know you are not fat!~LOL~


Well-Known Member
stop blaming America for everything...

the huge majority of the resources (uranium, diamonds, oil) in Africa are controlled by British, French and German corps... not the U.S.

china plunders their own people. they initiated a ruthless underbid strategy to gain a stronger hold on the U.S. economy by creating "labor dependence"...there's a book called "unrestricted warfare" authored by chinese military leaders, you should look at this.

yes, we do "exploit" low cost labor markets because the government here has created such an anti-success, litigous environment in our own borders that companies can't make a profit here....look at ford, GM...

we "plunder" Iraq's oil yet we get only a small percentage of our supply from them?

(we import even less from them today, check out the DOE website.)
Importance of Iraqi Oil to the U.S.
During December 2002, the United States imported 11.3 million barrels of oil from Iraq. In comparison, imports from other major OPEC oil-producing countries during December 2002 included:

Saudi Arabia - 56.2 million barrels
Venezuela 20.2 million barrels
Nigeria 19.3 million barrels
Kuwait - 5.9 million barrels
Algeria - 1.2 million barrels

Leading imports from non-OPEC countries during December 2002 included:

Canada 46.2 million barrels
Mexico 53.8 million barrels
United Kingdom 11.7 million barrels
Norway 4.5 million barrels

Iraq is in 7th place on this list.

corporate America is kind of like a mini government, you have the power hungry swill of the earth and you have good people too.. what about the billions in aid our companies give to countries that need help? remember that little wave that hit Asia a while back, the $ from U.S. corps = more than all the governments of the world combined? what about the drugs our pharmac. companies donate to un-developed places to combat polio, malaria, AIDS, etc? what about the money Gates gives to countries to develop Internet/information infrastructure?

plus what Vi mentions about what the "corporate controlled U.S. govnmnt" has done regarding sacrificing soldiers lives for the sake of our friends!

the world comes to us when it needs help. the world looks to us when the problems are too difficult. the world takes us for granted and it's because there are so many apologists running around, muddying the water and blaming their own country for the deficiencies of the rest of the world. yes, they are deficiencies and we have them too...i see a man everyday i go to lunch who listens to an old radio on the side of the road, he talks to himself and he prob hasn't had a bath in weeks, he looks homeless. personally, i think once we get the rest of the world squared away we should beg our corps to stop giving a shit about the rest of the world and what it thinks and we should put that effort into making things better here.


New Member
7x ...

What an EXCELLENT post! Thanks! For the naysayers ... please read the above post 500 times.

"yes, we do "exploit" low cost labor markets because the government here has created such an anti-success, litigous environment in our own borders that companies can't make a profit here....look at ford, GM..."

And yet, the Left still doesn't get it. They are all agog at "leaders" like Obama and Edwards who want to EXTEND the War on Poverty, even though its been proven to cause even more poverty. And ... Edwards is/was one of the biggest litigation whores on the planet when he was an active attorney.



Well-Known Member
yes, thanks Vi, it's just basic can't have two bodies occupying the same space at the same time! when the gvnmnt gets in the equation something has to go and it's almost always the creative, charitable, SELF-sustaining private sector that gets squeezed out. people calling for the leeching, self-contradicting gvnmnt to solve their problems' is the most assinine interuption of natural betterment possible. the gvnmnt answers those calls by the less fortunate so the slightly more fortunate call and it answers, on and on until we have this mess today; a consumer nation that will sue anytime it's demands aren't met.