the ca-ca poopoos and the stinky doodoos


Well-Known Member
I once ate this whole box of mint things, then flipped over the tin and it said it was a laxative and to eat them sparingly ....


Well-Known Member
No pain?? What's so great about's gatta really burn and come out both ends to be truely great.


Well-Known Member
Oh, you mean the one you don't know is just squirts out unexpectedly....yea..those are great
like the time I ordered Absinth.....that shit is sick.


Active Member
Fuck, the shits suck man, I hate the feeling.
Even though you just shat like 10 litres of poop, you still feel as though there is more up there! I hate it.

Nothing better than to sqeeze out a massive log that you can look at triumphantly and feel as though you just lost 10 kg hahaha. So aleviating, so satisfying.


Well-Known Member
I ate like ten biscuits the other day, and it freaking hurt,

<<< I cannot find an animated gif. of that poop, it was so funny im shocked its not a gif. yet

Total Head

Well-Known Member
what exactly is the medical threshold for diarrhea anyway? how liquidy does it need to be? what about poop flakes? is that diarrhea? i guess it's one of those "is it normal for YOU" things...