Skip that section/chapter and come back to it later.anyone here read this book?...i have got to page 21 and came to a dead aint like school where you can raise your hand and get your question has to do with hybridizing for selection...then the next 2 pagesare just as
This looks like a good book. I only just came across it on amazon yesterday.
I looked at the diagram you're talking about and I thought exactly the same thing you did. First I thought they were all male symbols, but the diagram seems to be illustrating selective breeding and how exactly do you breed two males?
I think he's just using a "different" symbol for females for some reason. It's like the regular one rotated 135° counterclockwise. I have no idea why he would do that. I'm pretty sure that's what's going on though. Maybe he refers back to the illustration later on in the text.
if there from the same parent it dont matter..but with 2 differnt plant use the plant that has the most dom traits that u are breeding 4....MEANGREEN..what about when to use the male of one and the female of the other..???
does the male carry the dominant genes? as for crossing 2 strains mainly..
yea the male from the dominant strain?? or the female of the dominant strain??if there from the same parent it dont matter..but with 2 differnt plant use the plant that has the most dom traits that u are breeding 4....MEANGREEN..
I personally like has sound information....It can be a bit confusing to the average grower who has never dived into breeding strains....Once you understand it though, I think you'll like the bookHow would you guys rate the book?