The Cannasseur: Upcoming 'Dank' Lifestyle blog needs YOU! (Writers, Web Design/Dev)


Active Member
The Cannasseur embodies the 'dank' lifestyle and the wide array of components that shape our life, ranging from: music, movies, art, food and the obligatory top shelf, grade A marijuana. We love and represent everything your typical cannabis connoisseur enjoys in their day to day life. From the fine greenery to the even finer glass art we smoke from - the mission here is to cover it all.

Stay up to update on what's happening in the world of weed but without the bland, rehashed political point of views we are all so tired of being subject to from every outlet. And if you could really care less about the news then stop by our 'Reviews' section and check out the latest strain review of some fine Bubba Kush or that new RooR bong you have been on the fence about buying for he last month or two. Or if you need some new tunes to jam to when you light up next time maybe check out our Music section. Covering what's happening in the industry and our take on it and all the buzz surrounding the hottest up and comers; including: mixtape leaks, interviews, and a whole lot more. This is only a fraction of our scope and what we plan to cover - you will learn plenty more details moving forward!

At this point you probably have an idea of what we are about.
Now here's the casting call: we are looking for you. If you are passionate about marijuana (and/or hemp) and want to join the cause and help show the world that regular cannabis users are just like everyone else; normal people - then this is where you need to be!

If you are passionate about marijuana and feel as if you would be a good fit, you are the type of person we are looking for. You do not necessarily need to enjoy cannabis 24/7, but if you can appreciate it and have a keen interest in some facet of the dank lifestyle (music, movies, art, ect.) and feel as if you can write for your fellow stoner audience then please do contact us.

We are currently seeking:

a.) Writers
- If you can write for a cannabis loving audience about some facet of the dank lifestyle that we embody and it shows in your writing then you are what we are looking for.

b.) Web Design & Development Team
Who have skills with any of; but not limited to, the following:

- logo design
- branding
- Wordpress
- PHP, Java

If you think you could contribute your skillset in some way - let us know!

PM's are not working for me being a new user. You can email any/all questions and inquiries to thecannasseur[at] - replacing with an @, of course. Look forward to hearing from you!

Compensation will be discussed in private with the appropriate candidates. Right now this is mostly a passion project but we have big plans! The most important thing here is delivering our message and hopefully fighting to make a difference, however small it may be. But we all need to pay the bills and that's where a monetization strategy comes into play. We have both short term and long term goals as far as monetization is concerned and with the experience I have marketing on the web (SEO/SEM, email marketing, social network marketing ect) and my passion to make this a career for myself and others who share my love for it we should have no problems establishing ourselves as an authority on the web in this niche. Details will be discussed in a more private manner with any candidates who join the team. Right now we can't promise you a big salary or a fancy office - but don't let that stop you from at least reaching out to get more information about us and with any luck, getting on board to spread our message.

Looking forward to hearing from any and all interested parties.
Please reply with an instant message contact (AIM, MSN, skype - any will do) preferably so we can speak more directly.

Also, just to add - we have a completed website ready to go.

A premium design that is sure to stand out amongst the other blogs and websites in our niche.

We are however looking for a web designer to come on board for future graphic work. Only version 1 of the website is complete - we are still going to need an array of other graphics and such.

Just didn't want people to get the impression that nothing is being brought to the table here.

We have a website and a plan and now we need a team to chase these goals together - this is no one man operation!

NOTE: Not trying to violate any rules - I have just heard from numerous friends now that this might be a good place to find some like-minded individuals who might jump at the opportunity to contribute. I'm sorry if I've stepped on any toes in making such a post!


Active Member
Glad to see there are have been some responses - I had a hunch that is something some of the RollItUp community would be interested in what we are trying do here.
Those of you that have replied here asking me to PM you, could you please PM me? The forum will not allow to me to send Private Messages until I meet a certain post threshold presumably. I'm sure if I get a PM I can respond though.

If not, I will be providing an email for contact if that is okay with the rules here.

Any future interested parties if you could please get in touch with me via PM for more details and/or with any questions you may have. Right now we're still looking to fill our team with like minded people who like the sound of what we have in mind and are passionate about the cause and the cannabis culture & lifestyle.

Looking forward to speaking to some of you and hopefully revealing some sneak peeks and more details to not only those interested parties, but also to the public in short notice!


Well-Known Member
It won't let us PM you either. You'll have to up your post-count or post your email in this thread. Let us know.


Well-Known Member
Hey I'd be very interested In Writing My passion for the Herbals is extensive& you still can't get Pm's


Active Member
I would be interested if your looking for writers, I'm actually studying a degree in Creative Writing at University, pm me if you like


Active Member
My apologies for taking so long in getting back to this thread - I thought I had a subscription reminder setup but it appears I did not. That's now been corrected.
Thank you to those of you that have taken the time to reply here and express your interest. It's warming to know that so many of you community members are looking to contribute.

You can reach me at thecannasseur[at] for now with any inquiries you may have. Whether you are a designer or writer when you e-mail me please be sure to include any questions you may have and/or samples of work if you could.

Look forward to getting a chance to speak to all of you!
Time to pack another fat bowl.


Well-Known Member
Well,this could be interesting.For starters,im a longtime grower/smoker.
im also a writer,as long as i have spell check,im golden.
But i think i could best be used as a graphic designer/web developer.
i have been doing custom logos for my radio stations website,as well as coding it from the ground html,css, all set there
ive got every program that adobe has out on the market right now...photoshop,dreamweaver,after effects,lightroom.
i have been thinking of starting a project like this myself...just would not know where to begin.
so im interested in helping in anyways possible...seeing as i do designs and coding...just for fun.


Well-Known Member
Hit me up if need help on the web design side, could posisbly write some also.Have Experience and gone to school for graphic design, web development and networking.


Active Member
The original post has been updated to include the email you can reach me at:


Trying to juggle an overwhelming response right now so please, if you are interested, get in touch with me! I may not have time to get in touch with you all individually. As much as I may try there's only so many hours in the day, unfortunately.
Look forward to hearing from you guys!


Active Member
Still looking for a web designer and some capable writers!

Pleased to welcome brandon to the team as our web delveoper.
My thanks goes out to the RollItUp community for putting me in touch with such a stand up individual.

Can't wait to show you all what we have in store!


Well-Known Member
I'll email you in a couple days, I've got to create a new e-mail for this (Paranoia: check).

brandon. - I was actually going to comment on the typography specifically. Good work.


Well-Known Member
I'll email you in a couple days, I've got to create a new e-mail for this (Paranoia: check).

brandon. - I was actually going to comment on the typography specifically. Good work.
Thank you sir! Glad to see another admirer of type.