the carbination in soda drinks


Well-Known Member
The reason ppl say not to feed the carbonated water 2 ur plants is that it has a PH value of 3.5 - 4.0.
It is ok 2 Foliar feed, but make sure u keep the roots oxygenated.


Well-Known Member
I got the idea from Mr. Green I Grow Chronic, he seems to think its a good idea - who ru to say otherwise?

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
i would also say that its not a good idea
this to me is a waste of time if you are trying to add extra co2
(which is not needed for a small grow)
just put a co2 gen in your grow area and you will be fine
i really wouldnt surjest spraying the folige with anything, misting is overated, even plain water misting is bad, it clogs the leafs up and stops them from inhaleing the much needed co2, water and nutes are best kept to the soil and res. the end. i dont even do that to my clones and seedlings



Well-Known Member
god fuckin dam it, exactly, and only to the right things, 69c for a bottle of shit, just like stated previously from some people with common sense, carbonated water is a bad thing, i dont care if your buddy that has been growing for 15 years with it says its good, its not something the plant actually wants, folier or root fed, it literally suffocates your plant, just like every other folier feeder, it wont kill your plant but they do your plant more harm than good, plants want to take CO2 from the AIR not WATER , and plants drink from the roots not the leaves, folier feeding will result in a "false nutitional input",...... just like maccas on an empty stomach, its great but you still want nutriotion and hydrdration afterwards, stick to feeding the roots with water oxygen and the nutes when they need it, the leaves are there for photosyth. leave it that way, like all of my other posts, dont just believe me, go and check it out, if you can show me up, please do..... just remember, the only way to get better is to play is to play a better opponent, and god dam again, "who are you to say otherwise".... he is another human being that has done something or seen something contrary to what you or..... "Mr Green. I Grow Chronic" have stated, just as i have unless you can back up the arguement of why it is a critical benifit to folier feed your plants carbonated water..... which is like putting belly button fluff in a crack pipe


Well-Known Member
I wasn't insulting him - just challenging him 2 back it up. I have done identical grows from Clones and the one with Soda water misted over them once a week grew much faster and stronger than the 1st grow without the Soda water.
Marijuana grows very well wildly in the Tropics here and it is constantly wet and humid a hell, so those plants don't seem too bothered by the water that nature has misted on them.
But each to his own, Marijuana is so well diverse and conditioned that it will grow just about anywhere and under any circumstances.. Flower quality will vary, so just experiment n c how u go.


Active Member
yeah i put a little bit of it on my other plants i have grown and they seem to love it so i guess everyone has their own method.. but my girls seem to love it so im sticking with wut im doing


Well-Known Member
not just marajuana but all plants dont like to folier fed, it can burn them, they cant actually take up whats being given to them, like i said its kind of a false feeding thing, if u want to continue no1 is gunna stop you but if you find you do need to folier feed your plant, its because your temp and humidity are off, root feeding is the best way by far, actually does everything properly, and yeah plants in the tropics do get wet all the time, but that doesnt mean they like it, they can just put up with it, sorry to fly of the handle every now and then but when ur in 6 heated discusions and getting drunker and drunker, i get a bit on edge


Well-Known Member
if he can.. do what i did .. i was a graveyard manager so i did what i want and no one said shit.... i got a big trash bag and when to the back where the tanks of CO2 are and filled the bag up with that shit and when i went home i put a straw and a rubber band on it so the straw sticks out and it slowly realeses it.... thats how u steal CO2.... lol