The Cheese, The Whole Cheese and Nothing but the Cheese

mr west

Well-Known Member
Cheers for the rep ganjaman, i ned to spread some love b4 i can give u some mate soz. Its finding that user u repped last so u can go round again lol


Well-Known Member
oh right .... DQ - that's what I meant ....duh. Though I have Chernobyl as well. Yea. the bud shots of the DQ are really awesome looking. my seedlings are seventeen days old today. I'll post some pics again later today or tomorrow. Good luck with ur DQ. freakin wild stuff these new strains are!! Walk on!~



Well-Known Member
I am so freakin stoked about these lil'ones ..... so many crystals .... so much time too wait .... ho-hummmm ....


Well-Known Member
cheese it is, and cheese it shall be .... bring on the cheese. oh really c'mon, that just sounds cheesey .....oh cr*p ..... walking on mister westie ..... of fine horticultural and photographic skills ....

mr west

Well-Known Member
Ive been feedin 5ml per liter flores an 3ml of vega with a littel bit of boos 3ml per liter, quetion should i up this now they in there 5th week flowering? What to as well theses cheese are in compost the last of it lol.


Well-Known Member
Ive been feedin 5ml per liter flores an 3ml of vega with a littel bit of boos 3ml per liter, quetion should i up this now they in there 5th week flowering? What to as well theses cheese are in compost the last of it lol.
Hoowee! 5+3+3ml per L... and you ask should I up this?

Hell no!...they look great!

Cruise on that Westy.

They're gettin all they need;)

Have you hit them with some PK? Or is the boos work'n for ya?

mr west

Well-Known Member
I was thinkin of giving them some pk in their 6th week through to week maybe 4 feeds with it, what ya think? start off1ml per ltr and uping a bit every time there after?


Well-Known Member
I was thinkin of giving them some pk in their 6th week through to week maybe 4 feeds with it, what ya think? start off1ml per ltr and uping a bit every time there after?
Yeah sounds good mate.
I would hit them with 2ml per L straight up and keep it on that dose.
Keep an eye on ya PPM though so you don't creep over 1500.
When I use the PK I usually back my other nutes off to compensate for it.

mr west

Well-Known Member
cool, need to get batterys for my tds pen lol. Ill start at 2ml per ltr then twice a week for 2 maybe half weeks then flush:D:D:D:D


Well-Known Member
hey westy did some phone calls today looking for a new clone too mother and my mate is picking up 100 exodus cheese (big grow) and he said i can have 1 for free. gonna do some breeding with it too see what i can cheese up. hope it is the exodus and not a rip off is there any tell tale sign,s that it is exodus that you could tell me of. fingers crossed its the real deal because i dont really wanna grow cheese if its not the original. peace

mr west

Well-Known Member
wen they get a bit older u should notice purple stripes in the more woody stems an stalks and the odd double serated edges to the leafs like on my album cover. Of course wen its in flower urll be able to smell it at 3 weeks lol