The Cheese, The Whole Cheese and Nothing but the Cheese


Well-Known Member
oh wait ... yes ssssirreeee ... there is a tent next door. hmmm .... what's in the tent? it ain't a place for roasting marshmallow's that's for sure! LOL!


Well-Known Member
hahahaha .... make sure the drugs they have r clean ... wait .... you have a stash don't ya .... the children need to be protected from bad weed

mr west

Well-Known Member
I dunt mix with younguns really lol and the only one who gets my stash is me and who evers with me. The sooner the slantys are squeezed out the streets and ppl start growing their own instead of buying it the world will be better for us.


Well-Known Member
hey man .... cool .... yea ... totally said tongue in cheek .... nuf said ...... stash mine. STFA .... FHO ..... yea. you gotiT!!~~


Well-Known Member
. The sooner the slantys are squeezed out the streets and ppl start growing their own instead of buying it the world will be better for us.
buy growing your own stash your helping the fight against organize crime.
a fact unseen ny the police/government and any other power hungry officals.

mr west

Well-Known Member
I think its starting to happen, I can think of a dozen growers of the top of my head that dont come here or any websites lol


Well-Known Member
absolutely. But that was a different time too .... it fits very well now ... nd I really can't wait to get out on property in the country again and do the outdoor thing properly .....


Well-Known Member
dreaming is good .... dreaming about weed is even better .... hahahaha! dreaming about weed while high on weed is the best ...... then dreaming about growing your own weed while being stoned on your own home grown is Fukin A!!! Walking On !~~~ after I sleep this off ... hahahaha! :peace:
I can Dream on mate lol