hehe lucky mofo i had to settle for fuck all these last two days youll have to light one up for me bro
on a side note i started napping today and reached that semi dream like state and in that dream i was having a session... and yes i was woke up as the bong got to me
No deal

ill have to find my cheesey goodness elswhere.
dank dairy closest chance we have yet..
you gotta search around but you should find a good bank somewhere that ships to oz perhaps..... i know a lot of places aren't anymore.
gee wizz ez you should know better than to ask for an international shipment on a public forum. were mainly personal medical users here

plus tradings not allowed without expressed permission im fairly sure and you do realise cheese is a skunk pheno right?? are you collecting them?
definately pun of the week that mate lol.
i think i got probably the best pheno of w/rhino i could of got. it is complete munchie inducing couchlock high and thats just with all milky trics, if i would have let them go complete amber it would prob be a one spliff wonder.
i once had a nice white rhino