The Cheese, The Whole Cheese and Nothing but the Cheese

mr west

Well-Known Member
im thiunking ill grow em side by side with my deep purple x psychosis x jack the ripper and see how similer they are lol

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Cool. Got a sativa Qleaner that I put in a week ahead of everyone else cause I knew that I would be out of weed. That one will be coming down in a few days. The indica phenos are getting fat as hell


Well-Known Member
Hey Mr West hows it growing? ive been a constant reader of your post and journals and i must say that you always have your plan down pat and well executed..I wont to know since you grow mostly cheese strains what is you favorite cheese atrain to grow and which one is the best yielder? I've only grown one myself and it turned out male but the smell was really outstanding it was swiss cheese..Peace


Well-Known Member
Good Morning Mr West Just Digging some SADE this AM thought I would share....

This may come
this may come as some surprise
but I miss you.
I could see through all of your lies
but still I miss you.
He takes her love
but it doesn't feel like mine

He tastes her kiss
her kisses are not wine
they're not mine.
He takes
but surely she can't give what I'm feeling now.
She takes
but surely she doesn't know how.

Is it a crime? Is it a crime that I still want you?
And I want you to want me

My love is wider
wider than Victoria Lake.
My love is taller
taller than the Empire State.
It dives and it jumps and it ripples like the deepest ocean.
I can't give you more than that
surely you want me back.

Is it a crime? Is it a crime that I still want you?
And I want you to want me

My love is wider than Victoria Lake

taller than the Empire State.
It dives and it jumps

I can't give you more than that
surely you want me back.

Is it a Crime?


Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
:bigjoint::dunce::bigjoint:forgot to posty these pics lol

hahahahah awesome fella! at first i was like interesting choice, most people go for a bic lighter to compare size!? lmao must have some legs to need weight like that to keep her in check tho i guess a hammer would keep most chicks in check.... mental note.....

good weekend all


Well-Known Member
Fred West is taking a leaf out of Peter Sutcliffe's book and bashing up broads with a hammer lmao

Looking real good in there mate. What are the big sativa looking ladies?
I aint been posting much coz my computer is on the fritz but i've been lurking around the usual suspects threads lol

mr west

Well-Known Member
Fred West is taking a leaf out of Peter Sutcliffe's book and bashing up broads with hammer lmao

Looking real good in there mate. What are the big sativa looking ladies?
I aint been posting much coz my computer is on the fritz but i've been lurking around the usual suspects threads lol
the big one is a seed found in lgps last crop, we think its ai related by well pretty much everything appart from this time the bud structure is a bit more solid rock hard nugs as opposed to wispy muthas on the last alaskan ice lol


Well-Known Member
well I have made a move to USA, and now in a state where I can grow ligit !

HOw is things in your neck of the woods ? Still got the cheeese or have you moved on ??

mr west

Well-Known Member
still got the cheese and cosis, and now ive made crosses with the cosis and another clone only livers/blues with some tga stuff.