The Cheese, The Whole Cheese and Nothing but the Cheese


Well-Known Member
im playing mafia 2, no one fucks with the code bro, silence is golden hahah
That game was alright, but way too short. Unless you want to go around and find all of the playboys and wanted posters, but Im more about doing what has to be done, going around fucking shit up, and the game was very lacking on shit to do outside of missions.


Well-Known Member
take a snip, take a snip, take a snip.....

so yeh, take a snip, why not ffs. lol. And even bigger LOL, weather permitting, fekin Northern European climate, bah!

EDIT, do hope the weather stays nice though, just for another week or so.

mr west

Well-Known Member
Me too even tho i aint got plants out side , it stayed fairly dry up untill december last year we was out on the golf course few days b4 christmas last year lol


Well-Known Member
Im playing monday and tuesday weather permitting lol
LOL, LOL, well have a great day I did shot nine over par. saw the young girl golfer today.
She said that it down to Me and another guy for the caddy JOb. I said well I don't compete, I stand on my record...Which is I meet her parents tommrow, for fucks sake feel like I'm 15 again.

mr west

Well-Known Member
LOL thatll be fun, NOT! lmao, I havent even met my girlfriends dad yet and we bin together over 3 years now


Well-Known Member
Ive only met one of my girlfriends dads, its pointless to me, what would we say, oh good game last night, oh yeah I wouldnt know, I was too busy putting it to your daughter, HA! He would get mad, and I would be like what, you wanted to meet me and now you did. You know who I am, the guy who bangs your daughter and doesnt give a fuck about you. Glad to meet ya. I dont do well in social encounters. But hey I like you guys. If Im ever in the UK I gotta meet one of you guys and try the real cheese.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
That game was alright, but way too short. Unless you want to go around and find all of the playboys and wanted posters, but Im more about doing what has to be done, going around fucking shit up, and the game was very lacking on shit to do outside of missions.

yeah its just a tide me over till COD comes out. im near done at 10 hours on hard id be pissed if id paid full price for it.

dude you sound like my kinda people, no nonsense. straight from the hip.

mr west

Well-Known Member
Londoner fuk me bakards, how longs it been since you were here?? Like the bump too lol hope ur not jus flying a visit lol


Well-Known Member
I say don't take a tester, wait 'til its properly ready and dry and cured for at least a couple of weeks hahaha i doubt thats gonna happen