The Cheese, The Whole Cheese and Nothing but the Cheese

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
looks like half the bud is seeded judging by the hairs dunt it lol
Yeah that may have happened to my BB this go round. I do find the occasional seed in my BB but this batch the hairs turned early and the nugs are a lot smaller. They are at 6.5 weeks and are not going to get much bigger the fookers lol. Still trying to dial in the new nutes for those finicky girls so it might be that as well.

Nice pic that last go round mate your showing some keen growng skills....


Well-Known Member
Just my 2 cents, but when a calyx has been germinated the hair crinkles up and withdraws back into the bud, and looking at those pics I am not sure that has happened, looks more like the stigmas have just matured...possibly, could be wrong. And the little thing that looks like a seed, could it be the start of a male flower? Can you check further and confirm mate? Interested to find out what it is.

DST throwing in a curve ball. lol.

mr west

Well-Known Member
Its not a seeed, its squishy lol prob a male flower like u sed. I wont get a chance to take it till well after the weekend lol, oh well lol.

mr west

Well-Known Member
It was one of my mums breeding queens all mixed up hormonally, shes now on the pill and don't piss and shit everywhere now so hopefully the morning wont have any squishy surprises


Well-Known Member
Catshit is fucking awful, next doors cats shit in our flowerbeds and my dog eats it then jumps on the sofa and sits on my lap. It makes me wanna spew my freckle up. Treading in it first thing is no picnic though lmao

Buds are looking sweet as usual mate. That casey looks very similar to one my jack flash phenos


Well-Known Member
Ello there ya big beauty!!! You gotta be happy with that lad!!

And there's your beautiful partner in fun , LGP presenting the said monster in such a favourable manner, lol.


we chopped the monster AI x bb today>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>:joint:

mr west

Well-Known Member
Yes and my love chopped and trimmed and I hanged all in a few hours ona lunch break back to mine lol. So far I have been told itll be 6 oz and some say 4 oz. Im open to offers lol


Well-Known Member
i would say 6 is more then possible mate. i just pulled 5 1/2oz off something that was'nt nearly as big as that fucking monster. honestly mate if the buds are heavy and tight you could possibly pull near 7 off it...dont hold me to that tho cos i'm only scaling from the size of the tent in background.......i hope it tips the scales for you mate:bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint::joint::joint::joint::joint::clap::clap: