The Cheese, The Whole Cheese and Nothing but the Cheese

mr west

Well-Known Member
do you use any particular product? my mate give me some mite-rid, haven't seen a single one since, then again they weren't quite so webbed up as the pc you have.

when you started this thread you grew greenhouse cheese, if i remember rightly you thought it was quite good, but no proper cheese. i'm growing one from seed atm and i'm not all that impressed, it is stretching like hell and doesn't seem so cheesy. was yours like this or do you reckon i am just growing a dodgy pheno? it seems very sativa dom to me.

have u got it in flower? The uk cheese clone grows like a vine very sativa like. I use plant vitality on mites and it works a charm.


Well-Known Member
that plant vitalty sounds like good stuff, is it odourless/tasteless?.

my ghs cheese is 5 weeks in and it looks sativa dom to me, long colas, medium leaves. it's defo more a cheese than aghan but smell isn't quite honking yet. it might develop more of a cheesy smell as it goes (i hope so anyway).


Well-Known Member
i used mite rid and it smells similar, maybe the neem oil or something, i would be scared of tainting my budswith it during the last 3-4 weeks. what is the latest you have used it without noticing any taste/ irregular burning?


Well-Known Member
well thats good to know, my mate had bud rot while he was drying a massive crop of cheese. he sprayed with bud rot stop and the weed tasted like arse wipes, the punters didn't complain because the cheese was so strong but i could tell a mile off.


Well-Known Member
hey mr west hows it going bro. just tought ill ask you this, as your the best person to ask this, wich is the best stongest cheese (aka blues) plant, i heard blue cheese is the best, but just wanted to know wich one would you say in your experience????

mr west

Well-Known Member
imo its phsychosis or livers/blues or in seed form i do like blue cheese or la cheeses but theres fukin loads out there now so prolly anyones guess everyone is difrent init


Well-Known Member
I got 5 or 6 weeks to wait for psychosis and livers lol unfortunatly its only one of each lol

i need more cheese strains, the above two would be very nice indeed, people go crazy for them