Well-Known Member
Nothing ive seen but seeds in the bud, It only takes a sac or two to give u loadsa seeds hidden in the bud.
cant u make them female... ?
that would be cool to do

Nothing ive seen but seeds in the bud, It only takes a sac or two to give u loadsa seeds hidden in the bud.
ome poeple say taking the balls of helps but im not a believer in that old wives tale.
umm as for the pollen sacks 1 sack can make 1000-10000 seeds damn now thats a fuck up lol
oh boy! can't wait to see how they look .. how many more weeks/days (/months for AI) are left until chopping?I shal do my weekly pic update tomoz, I'll include a pic of the jack flash too.
how long are u gonna flower it? 10-12 weeks? ... but cheese will be ready in 8 correct? only two more weeks if so ! WOO!the ai is 8 weeks in 12/12 tomoz lol, think itll be a good few weeks yet. the cheeses are 6 weeks tomoz
you sending me some when it's ready?the exodus cheese is ready in ten weeks ghs chees is aparently nice in 7 weeks lmao and dunno bout the big budah seeds cheese
is it wrong that we love hairy girls that smell of cheese???
fucking good work geeza